Update Feature State for Members of an Organization
Enable or disable the feature for list of member accounts linked to an organization.
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 425
- 429
Successfully saved/updated cloud account feature for the given member accounts
Invalid Account Id/Member Ids cannot be empty or null/Member account list should be less than 500 in a single request/Feature {0} is not allowed/Invalid feature state {0} for feature {1}/Organisation Id {0} is not onboarded/AccountType of {0} is invalid, should be either of Organisation / Master Service Account / Tenant/Members account {0} do not belong to {1}/Compute features are not supported for {0}/Feature {0} is not present for given account,/For feature = {0}, parent feature state is {1}/Organisation / Master Service Account / Tenant Id {0} should not be part of memberIds list/AccountType of member account {0} is invalid. Member accountType should be of type {1}/
Unauthorized Access
Tenant License Expired
Tenant not found
Wrong Http Method
Too Early to access the resource
Rate Limit Exceeded