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Get Prioritized Vulnerabilities V3




This endpoint has been deprecated and may be replaced or removed in future versions of the API.

Returns the top-priority unique vulnerabilities which are aggregated based on the most urgent, exploitable, patchable, and vulnerable packages in use along with the number of assets they occur in. This endpoint also returns vulnerabilities based on internet exposure, in addition to those from Get Prioritized Vulnerabilities V2.


Replacement  Endpoint: Get Prioritized Vulnerabilities V4

Note: You need vulnerabilityDashboard feature with View permission to access this endpoint. Verify if your permission group includes this feature using the Get Permission Group by ID endpoint. You can also check this in the Prisma Cloud console by ensuring that Dashboard > Vulnerability is enabled.


Query Parameters

    asset_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [iac, package, deployedImage, serverlessFunction, host, registryImage, vmImage]

    Type of Asset

    life_cycle stringrequired

    Possible values: [code, build, deploy, run]

    Life Cycle stage


Successful response

    lastUpdatedDateTime int64
    totalVulnerabilities integer
    urgent object
    vulnerabilityCount int64
    assetCount int64
    patchable object
    vulnerabilityCount int64
    assetCount int64
    exploitable object
    vulnerabilityCount int64
    assetCount int64
    internetExposed object
    vulnerabilityCount int64
    assetCount int64
    packageInUse object
    vulnerabilityCount int64
    assetCount int64