Get Permissions V4
Returns permissions grouped by requested fields and a page token for the next page if applicable.
Query Parameters
Query records limit
- application/json
RQL query
Saved search id
Page Token
Possible values: [source
, sourceCloudAccount
, grantedByEntity
, entityCloudAccount
, grantedByPolicy
, policyCloudAccount
, grantedByLevel
, action
, destination
, destCloudAccount
, lastAccess
Fields to group results by. Empty or missing array is considered the same as an array with all possible fields
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 429
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Array [
- Array [
- ]
- ]
data object
items object[]
items list
Message id
Is source public
Source cloud type
Source cloud account
Source cloud region
Source cloud service name
Source cloud resource name
Source cloud resource type
Source cloud resource id
Source cloud resource UAI
Source IDP service
Source IDP domain
Source IDP email
Source IDP user id
Source IDP user name
Source IDP group
Source idp UAI
Destination cloud type
Destination cloud account
Destination cloud region
Destination cloud service name
Destination cloud resource name
Destination cloud resource type
Destination cloud resource id
Destination cloud resource UAI
Granted by cloud type
Granted by cloud policy Id
Granted by cloud policy name
Granted by cloud policy type
Granted by cloud policy UAI
Granted by cloud policy account
Granted by cloud entity id
Granted by cloud entity name
Granted by cloud entity type
Granted by cloud entity account
Granted by cloud entity UAI
Granted by level type
Granted by level id
Granted by level name
Granted by level UAI
Last accessed data
Possible values: [NOT_AVAILABLE
Last accessed status
Accessed resource count
Effective action name
exceptions object[]
Permission exception list
Message code
Next page token
Total rows count
Searched destination cloud resource names
Query string
Request user Id
Is search saved
Search name
timeRange object
The time range which the query run at to generate the alert
Search type
Search description
Cloud Type
"data": {
"items": [
"id": "13",
"sourcePublic": false,
"sourceCloudType": "AWS",
"sourceCloudAccount": "123456789",
"sourceCloudRegion": "AWS London",
"sourceCloudServiceName": "iam",
"sourceResourceName": "john",
"sourceResourceType": "user",
"sourceResourceId": "arn:aws:iam::111111:user/john",
"sourceCloudResourceUai": "681390624b288d835f4cd03e7bfb0994",
"sourceIdpService": "AWS Identity Center",
"sourceIdpDomain": "",
"sourceIdpEmail": "",
"sourceIdpUserId": "123456789",
"sourceIdpUsername": "idp-user",
"sourceIdpGroup": "IdpGroup",
"sourceIdpUai": "681390424b288d835f5cd03e7bfb0993",
"destCloudType": "AWS",
"destCloudAccount": "123456789",
"destCloudRegion": "AWS London",
"destCloudServiceName": "iam",
"destResourceName": "john",
"destResourceType": "user",
"destResourceId": "arn:aws:iam::111111:user/john",
"destCloudResourceUai": "181390424b298d835f4cd03e7bfb0991",
"grantedByCloudType": "AWS",
"grantedByCloudPolicyId": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/aws-policy",
"grantedByCloudPolicyName": "my-policy",
"grantedByCloudPolicyType": "Customer Managed Policy",
"grantedByCloudPolicyUai": "771390424b298d835f4cd03e7bfb0232",
"grantedByCloudPolicyAccount": "123456789",
"grantedByCloudEntityId": "arn:aws:iam::<account>:role/my-role",
"grantedByCloudEntityName": "my-role",
"grantedByCloudEntityType": "user",
"grantedByCloudEntityAccount": "123456789",
"grantedByCloudEntityUai": "223390424b298d835f4cd03e7bfb0111",
"grantedByLevelType": "GCP Folder",
"grantedByLevelId": "level_id",
"grantedByLevelName": "level_name",
"grantedByLevelUai": "123390424cb99d835f4cd03e7bfb0991",
"lastAccessDate": "2024-01-02",
"lastAccessStatus": "ACCESSED",
"accessedResourcesCount": 12,
"effectiveActionName": "sso:ListApplications",
"exceptions": [
"wildCardDestCloudResourceName": true
"nextPageToken": "iam/api/{apiVersion}/{apiPath}?page-token=Q74589g444gg",
"totalRows": 1243,
"searchedDestCloudResourceNames": []
"query": "config from iam where ...",
"id": "111111",
"saved": true,
"name": "search-name",
"timeRange": "{''type': 'relative', 'value': {'unit': 'day', 'amount': 7} }",
"searchType": "search-type",
"description": "search-description",
"cloudType": "aws"
Bad request
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
error object
"error": {
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"target": "string",
"details": [
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
error object
"error": {
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"target": "string",
"details": [
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
error object
"error": {
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"target": "string",
"details": [
Not found
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
error object
"error": {
"code": "string",
"message": "string",
"target": "string",
"details": [
Response Headers
X-RateLimit-Remaining integer
X-RateLimit-Requested-Tokens integer
X-RateLimit-Burst-Capacity integer
X-RateLimit-Replenish-Rate integer