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Get Reports Metadata



List the reports metadata for given report types


This endpoint is available on the Prisma Cloud Darwin release only.


Query Parameters

    report_types string

    Report types to be retrieved. You can specify multiple report types as comma separated values

    page integer

    The required page number for the paginated results. Page number starts from the 0. Default value is 0

    size integer

    The number of results to be returned as part of the page response. Default value is 100


Successful operation

    reports object[]

    Report metadata list.

  • Array [
  • reportId uuid

    Id of the report.

    status string

    Status of the report.

    reportType string

    Type of the report.

    clientType string

    Client identifier.

    payload object

    Payload used for creating the report.

    pathVariables object

    Path variables used for creating the report.

    queryParams object

    Query params used for creating the report.

    requestHeaders object

    Request headers used for creating the report.

    additionalInformation object

    Any additional attributes used for creating the report.

    createdOn int64

    Timestamp when report request is created.

    downloadUrl string

    Url to download the report once report is generated.

  • ]
  • currentPage int64

    Current page number.

    totalItems int64

    Total number of the available reports.

    totalPages int64

    Total number of pages to fetch the reports.

    pageSize int64

    Number of records per page.
