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Get All Applications



Get the list of all applications and its details. These are applications that are scanned based on the discovery criteria and displayed in the Application Inventory. This endpoint will return upto 2000 applications. You can further filter the application based on the values of business criticality, business owner, environment and name.

Note: You need investigateApplicationRql feature with Read permission to access this endpoint. Verify if your permission group includes this feature using the Get Permission Group by ID endpoint. You can also check this in the Prisma Cloud console by ensuring that Investigate > Applications is enabled.



    businessCriticality string
    owner string
    displayName string
    environment string



    apps object[]
  • Array [
  • id string
    createdAt integer
    metadata object
    property name* string[]
  • Array [
  • string

  • ]
  • summary object
    cloudTypes string[]
    assetCount object
    total integer
    byAlertSeverity object
    critical integer
    high integer
    medium integer
    low integer
    informational integer
    byVulnSeverity object
    critical integer
    high integer
    medium integer
    low integer
    alertCountByPolicyType object[]
  • Array [
  • type string
    value integer
  • ]
  • alertCountBySeverity object
    critical integer
    high integer
    medium integer
    low integer
    informational integer
    vulnCountBySeverity object
    critical integer
    high integer
    medium integer
    low integer
    findingCountByType object[]
  • Array [
  • type string
    value integer
  • ]
  • ]