IP Allow List
Manage a list of trusted IP addresses with respect to alerts and a list of trusted login IP addresses.
📄️ List Networks
Returns an array of public networks.
📄️ Add Network
Adds a public network.
📄️ Network Info
Returns the public network with the specified network ID.
📄️ Rename Network
Renames an existing network.
📄️ Add CIDR
Adds a new CIDR block. The CIDR block cannot overlap CIDR blocks that already exist in the networks you manage. Also, IP addresses in the CIDR block must be routable to the public internet.
📄️ Update CIDR
Updates an existing CIDR block.
📄️ Delete CIDR
Deletes an existing CIDR block.
📄️ List Login IP Allow Lists
Returns a list of data objects that contain the CIDRs in the allow list to access the Prisma Cloud tenant.
📄️ Add Login IP Allow List
Adds a named list of CIDRs (IP addresses) that are in the allow list to access Prisma Cloud. You can add up to 10 CIDRs per named list, and there can be up to 50 named lists.
📄️ Get Login IP Allow List
Returns a data object that contains a list of CIDRs that are in allow list for login access, for the specified login IP allow list ID.
📄️ Update Login IP Allow List
Updates a named list of CIDRs (IP addresses) that are in the allow list for login access.
📄️ Delete Login IP Allow List
Deletes a named list of CIDRs that are in the allow list for login access. If only one allow list entry exists, you will not be able to delete it while the login IP allow list is enabled.
📄️ Get Login IP Allow List Status
Indicates whether or not the login IP allow list is enabled.
📄️ Update Login IP Allow List Status
Enable or disable the login IP allow list.