With multiple out-of-the-box integration options, you can integrate Prisma Cloud into security workflows and technologies that already exist in your organization.
Note: For Prisma Cloud integrations with the following, see Integrations Pull:
- Okta
- Qualys
- Tenable
Integration Configuration
The model for an integration between Prisma Cloud and an external system includes an integrationConfig parameter which is a map of key/value pairs. The type of integration defines the content of these key/value pairs. See Integration Configurations for more information about integration API request body details, including the integrationConfig request parameter key/value pairs that apply to your specific integration API.
📄️ Get Supported Integration Types
Returns a list of the supported integration types.
📄️ List Integrations
Returns a list of integrations.
📄️ Add Integration
Creates a Prisma Cloud integration with an external system.
📄️ Get Integration by ID
Returns the integration with the specified ID.
📄️ Update Integration State
Updates the state of an integration. For example, you can enable or disable
📄️ Update Integration
Updates an integration.
📄️ Delete Integration
Deletes an integration.
📄️ Test Integration
Runs a test of the integration for the specified data.
📄️ Get Security Hub Enabled Regions by AWS Account ID
Returns a list of security-hub-enabled AWS regions for the specified AWS account.
📄️ Get Security Hub Enabled AWS Accounts
Returns the security-hub-enabled AWS account name and ID for the specified Prisma ID.