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Resource Scan Info V2 - GET



Returns a full breakdown of passed/failed statistics and associated policies for resources.

The query parameters enable you to add filters to your request to narrow your results.

How Current is the Returned Data?

Since Prisma Cloud relies on snapshots of data, there can be an hour or two delay between the time a resource passes or fails a policy check and the reporting of that result through this method.

Filter by Cloud Type

You can specify more than one cloud type to request a combination of data. For example cloud.type=gcp&cloud.type=azure returns data for both gcp and azure.

Filter by Compliance Standard, Requirement, and/or Section

You can also broaden your filter by specifying any of the following query parameters more than once:

  • policy.complianceStandard
  • policy.complianceRequirement
  • policy.complianceSection


Query Parameters

    cloud.account string

    Cloud account

    cloud.type string

    Possible values: [aws, azure, gcp, alibaba_cloud, oci]

    Cloud type

    cloud.region string

    Cloud region string

    Account group

    policy.complianceStandard string

    Policy compliance standard. You can specify policy.complianceStandard=* to return the data for all compliance standards.

    policy.complianceRequirement string

    Policy compliance requirement name

    policy.complianceSection string

    Policy compliance section ID

    limit string

    Maximum number of entries to be returned. A single API call retrieves a maximum of 10,000 resources, which is also the default.

    scan.status string

    Possible values: [all, passed, failed]

    Whether or not the resources were scanned and whether they passed or failed the scan. The default is all.

    pageToken string

    Token identifying the required page of data. When there are multiple pages of data, the nextPageToken from the response can be used in this parameter

    asset.severity string

    Policy severity

    vulnerability.severity string

    Vulnerability Severity

    includeEventForeignEntities boolean

    Include Foreign Entities. This is only applicable for compliance flows. This is because the Asset Inventory only counts assets that belong to your cloud account, and the Compliance Dashboard includes foreign entities such as SSO or Federated Users that are not resources ingested directly from the monitored cloud accounts



    nextPageToken object

    Use as page token to return next page of data

    failedEventOffset boolean
    lastRowIdx int64
    limit int64
    offset int64
    previousTotalMatchedCount int64
    timestamp int64
    pageSize int64

    Page size

    resources object[]

    List of metadata for resources that match filter

  • Array [
  • accountId string

    Account ID

    accountName string

    Account name

    alertStatus object

    Count of alerts found by their policy severity

    critical int64
    high int64
    informational int64
    low int64
    medium int64
    appNames string[]
    assetType string

    Asset Type

    cloudType string

    Possible values: [ALL, AWS, AZURE, GCP, ALIBABA_CLOUD, OCI, IBM]

    Cloud type

    id string

    Resource ID

    name string

    Resource name

    overallPassed boolean

    All policies passed

    regionId string

    Region ID

    regionName string

    Region Name

    resourceConfigJsonAvailable boolean

    Resource config JSON available

    resourceDetailsAvailable boolean

    Resource details available

    rrn string


    scannedPolicies object[]

    Scanned policies

  • Array [
  • id string
    labels string[]
    name string
    passed boolean
    severity string


  • ]
  • unifiedAssetId string

    Asset Id

    vulnerabilityStatus object

    Count of vulnerabilities found by their severity

    critical int64
    high int64
    low int64
    medium int64
  • ]
  • timestamp int64

    Epoch timestamp

    totalMatchedCount int64

    Total number of filtered resources, both scanned and unscanned
