Get Permissions
Returns the results of a given IAM query.
If you set the Accept request header to appliation/json, the response object contains an array of items with permissions data.
The request parameter limit determines the number of items—for example, permissions—in the response object. If the amount of available data is greater than the specified limit, use the response object attribute data.nextPageToken as the request parameter pageToken in Get Permissions Next Page to request the next page of data.
If you set the Accept request header to text/csv, the response is a CSV that contains permissions details.
- application/json
Model for Permission Search Request DTO
Request user Id
Maximun number of items to return for the given query
IAM RQL query
- 200
- 201
- 401
- 403
- 404
- application/json
- text/csv
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Array [
- Array [
- ]
- ]
data object
Model for Permission Search Result Data DTO
items object[]
Requested permissions list
Accessed resource count
Destination cloud account
Destination cloud region
Destination cloud resource RRN
Destination cloud service name
Destination cloud type
Destination cloud resource id
Destination cloud resource name
Destination cloud resource type
Effective action name
exceptions object[]
Permission exception list
Message code
Granted by cloud entity id
Granted by cloud entity name
Granted by cloud entity rrn
Granted by cloud entity type
Granted by cloud policy Id
Granted by cloud policy name
Granted by cloud policy rrn
Granted by cloud policy type
Granted by cloud type
Message id
Is destination cloud resource name a wildcard
Last accessed data
Source cloud account
Source cloud region
Source cloud resource RRN
Source cloud service name
Source cloud type
Source IDP domain
Source IDP email
Source IDP group
Source idp RRN
Possible values: [AZURE_AD
Source IDP service
Source IDP user name
Is source public
Source cloud resource id
Source cloud resource name
Source cloud resource type
Next page token
Searched destination cloud resource names
Total row count
Search description
Request user Id
Search name
Query string
Is search saved
Search type
timeRange object
Model for Time Range DTO
Time range type
Time range value
"data": {
"items": [
"accessedResourcesCount": 0,
"destCloudAccount": "123456789",
"destCloudRegion": "AWS London",
"destCloudResourceRrn": "rrn::other:eu-west-2:123456789012::my-function",
"destCloudServiceName": "iam",
"destCloudType": "AWS",
"destResourceId": "arn:aws:iam::111111:user/john",
"destResourceName": "john",
"destResourceType": "user",
"effectiveActionName": "string",
"exceptions": [
"grantedByCloudEntityId": "arn:aws:iam::<account>:role/my-role",
"grantedByCloudEntityName": "my-role",
"grantedByCloudEntityRrn": "rrn::other::123456789:AIDAIDAIDAIDAIDAIDAID",
"grantedByCloudEntityType": "user",
"grantedByCloudPolicyId": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/aws-policy",
"grantedByCloudPolicyName": "my-policy",
"grantedByCloudPolicyRrn": "rrn::iamPolicy::123456789012::arn:aws:iam:eu-west-2",
"grantedByCloudPolicyType": "Customer Managed Policy",
"grantedByCloudType": "AWS",
"id": "13",
"isWildCardDestCloudResourceName": false,
"lastAccessDate": "string",
"sourceCloudAccount": "123456789",
"sourceCloudRegion": "AWS London",
"sourceCloudResourceRrn": "rrn::iamUser::123456789012::AIDAIDAIDAIDAIDAIDAID",
"sourceCloudServiceName": "iam",
"sourceCloudType": "AWS",
"sourceIdpDomain": "string",
"sourceIdpEmail": "string",
"sourceIdpGroup": "string",
"sourceIdpRrn": "rrn::other::idp-account-id::idp-user-id",
"sourceIdpService": "AZURE_AD",
"sourceIdpUsername": "string",
"sourcePublic": false,
"sourceResourceId": "arn:aws:iam::111111:user/john",
"sourceResourceName": "john",
"sourceResourceType": "user"
"nextPageToken": "++fdfkjsdlfsdfdFDSFDFSDFdfdssfdFDS",
"searchedDestCloudResourceNames": [],
"totalRows": 1243
"description": "search-description",
"id": "111111",
"name": "search-name",
"query": "config from iam where ...",
"saved": true,
"searchType": "search-type",
"timeRange": {
"type": "to_now",
"value": "epoch"
- Schema
Not Found