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List Inventory Resources



Lists resources. The response data depends on the table level you specify in the request body parameters.

The tableLevel and groupBy request body parameters determine which response object fields a successful API request returns.

IF tableLevel is 1 and groupBy is unspecified, the response properties are as shown below:

"cloudType": "",
"serviceName": "",
"totalResources": 0,
"publicResources": ,
"totalObjects": 0,
"publicObjects": 0,
"sensitiveObjects": 0,
"malwareObjects": 0,
"alerts": 0

If tableLevel is 1 and groupBy is specified, the response properties are as shown below:

"cloudType": "",
"accountName": "",
"regionName": "",
"serviceName": "",
"totalResources": 0,
"publicResources": 0,
"totalObjects": 0,
"publicObjects": 0,
"sensitiveObjects": 0,
"malwareObjects": 0,
"alerts": 0

If tableLevel is 2 and groupBy is unspecified, the response properties are as shown below:

"cloudType": "",
"serviceName": "",
"totalResources": 0,
"publicResources": 0,
"totalObjects": 0,
"publicObjects": 0,
"sensitiveObjects": 0,
"malwareObjects": 0,
"alerts": 0

If tableLevel is 2 and groupBy = ["cloud.region"], the response properties are as shown below:

"cloudType": "",
"regionName": "",
"serviceName": "",
"totalResources": 0,
"publicResources": 0,
"totalObjects": 0,
"publicObjects": 0,
"sensitiveObjects": 0,
"malwareObjects": 0,
"alerts": 0

If tableLevel is 2 and groupBy = ["cloud.account"], the response properties are as shown below:

"cloudType": "",
"accountName": "",
"serviceName": "",
"totalResources": 0,
"publicResources": 0,
"totalObjects": 0,
"publicObjects": 0,
"sensitiveObjects": 0,
"malwareObjects": 0,
"alerts": 0

If tableLevel is 2 and groupBy = ["cloud.region", "cloud.account"], the response properties are as shown below:

"cloudType": "",
"accountName": "",
"regionName": "",
"serviceName": "",
"totalResources": 0,
"publicResources": 0,
"totalObjects": 0,
"publicObjects": 0,
"sensitiveObjects": 0,
"malwareObjects": 20,
"alerts": 0

If tableLevel is 3 and groupBy is unspecified, the response properties are as shown below:

"cloudType": "",
"resourceName": "",
"publicResource": "",
"totalObjects": 0,
"publicObjects": 0,
"sensitiveObjects": 0,
"malwareObjects": 0,
"alerts": 0,

If tableLevel is 3 and groupBy = ["cloud.account", "cloud.region"], the response properties are as shown below:

"cloudType": "",
"accountName": "",
"regionName": "",
"resourceName": "",
"publicResource": "",
"totalObjects": 0,
"publicObjects": 0,
"sensitiveObjects": 0,
"malwareObjects": 0,
"alerts": 0,

If tableLevel is 3 and groupBy = ["cloud.region", "cloud.service"], the response properties are as shown below:

"cloudType": "",
"regionName": "",
"serviceName": "",
"resourceName": "",
"publicResource": "",
"totalObjects": 0,
"publicObjects": 0,
"sensitiveObjects": 0,
"malwareObjects": 0,
"alerts": 0,

If tableLevel is 3 and groupBy = ["cloud.account", "cloud.region", "cloud.service"], the response properties are as shown below:

"cloudType": "",
"accountName": "",
"regionName": "",
"serviceName": "",
"resourceName": "",
"publicResource": "",
"totalObjects": 0,
"publicObjects": 0,
"sensitiveObjects": 0,
"malwareObjects": 0,
"alerts": 0,



    detailed boolean


    fields string[]

    Array of specific fields to return

    filters object[]

    Filtering parameters.

    For filter names, refer to List Filters API.

    For filter values, refer to List filter suggestions.

    The only exception is resource.tagv2 filter name, provide filter value for it in the following format: "{"key":"'CustomerTagKey'","value":"'CustomerTagValue'"}"

  • Array [
  • name string


    operator string

    Possible values: [,2002:value =]


    value string


  • ]
  • groupBy string[]

    For asset or data inventory only. Group returned items by cloud.type, cloud.service, cloud.region, cloud.account, and/or resource.type

    limit number

    Maximum number of items to return. When data is paginated, maximum number of items per page.The maximum cannot exceed 10,000. The default is 10,000.

    offset number

    The number of items to skip before selecting items to return. Default is zero

    pageToken string

    Setting this pagination Token to the nextPageToken from a response object returns the next page of data

    sortBy string[]

    Array of sort properties. Append :asc or :desc to the key to sort by ascending or descending order respectively. Example sort properties are id:asc and timestamp:desc

    tableLevel int32required

    Possible values: [1, 2, 3]

    Table level

    timeRange object

    See the Time Range Model for details.

    relativeTimeType string

    Possible values: [BACKWARD, FORWARD]

    Direction in which to count time. Default = BACKWARD

    type string
    value objectrequired

    Model for RelativeTimeDuration

    amount int32

    Number of time units

    unit string

    Possible values: [minute, hour, day, week, month, year]

    Time unit

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [absolute, relative, to_now]

    Time type

    type string
    value objectrequired

    Model for Time

    endTime int64

    End timestamp

    startTime int64

    Start timestamp



  • Array [
  • accountId string

    Cloud account id

    accountName string

    Cloud account name

    alerts int64

    Total alerts

    assetId string

    Unified Asset Id

    cloudType string

    Cloud Type

    containerName string

    Container Name

    contentType string

    Object Content Type

    dataPatterns string[]

    List of Data Patterns

    dataProfiles string[]

    List of Data Profiles

    dssScannedTime int64

    Classification Scanned Time

    dssSnippetCreatedOn int64

    Snippets created on (unix timestamp)

    dssSnippetStatus string

    Snippets Status

    dssSnippetViewed boolean

    Snippets Viewed Status

    malware string

    Malware Result

    malwareObjects int64

    Total malware objects

    malwareScannedTime int64

    Malware Scanned Time

    metadataScannedTime int64

    Metadata Scanned Time

    objectAlerts string

    Object Alerts

    objectExposure string

    Object Exposure

    objectId string

    Object Id

    objectName string

    Object Name

    objectOwner string

    Object Owner

    objectPath string

    Object Path

    objectUrl string

    Object URL

    publicObjects int64

    Total public objects

    publicResource string

    List of public resources

    publicResources int64

    Total number of public resources

    regionName string

    Cloud region

    resourceExposure string

    Resource Exposure

    resourceName string

    Resource name

    resourceRrn string

    resource RRN

    resourceStatus boolean

    Resource status (true if active)

    rrn string

    object RRN

    sensitiveObjects int64

    Total sensitive objects

    serviceName string

    Service name

    totalObjects int64

    Total objects

    totalResources int64

    Total number of resources

  • ]