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List Cloud Account Names - GET



You can use this endpoint to GET the account IDs and names of accounts that:

*Belongs to a specific account group

*Belongs to a specific account type

*Is active. For precise filtering, use the List Cloud Account Names -POST endpoint.


Query Parameters

    onlyActive boolean

    Returns IDs and names of active accounts only. Default is false.

    accountGroupIds string[]

    Returns IDs and names of accounts that belong to the specified account group IDs

    cloudType string

    Returns IDs and names of accounts that belong to the specified cloudType and accountGroup

    includeOthers boolean

    Returns none cloudAccount and none cloudAccountId in response if includeOthers is true


successful operation

  • Array [
  • id string

    ID of Account/ Project/ Master Service Account/ Organization

    name string

    Name of Account/ Project/ Master Service Account/ Organization

    cloudType string

    Possible values: [ALL, AWS, AZURE, GCP, ALIBABA_CLOUD, OCI, IBM]

    Cloud Type of Account/ Project/ Master Service Account/ Organization

    parentAccountName string

    Parent Org Name of Account/ Project

  • ]