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Get Assets and Services of an Application



Returns details of assets and services associated with an application, including alerts associated with assets.

Note: You need investigateApplicationRql feature with Read permission to access this endpoint. Verify if your permission group includes this feature using the Get Permission Group by ID endpoint. You can also check this in the Prisma Cloud console by ensuring that Investigate > Applications is enabled.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Application ID


A JSON object containing asset and service information.

    assets object[]

    List of assets with associated details.

  • Array [
  • unifiedAssetId string

    Unique identifier for the asset.

    externalAssetId string

    External identifier for the asset.

    type string

    The type of asset (e.g., Compute).

    name string

    The name of the asset.

    alerts object[]

    List of alerts associated with the asset.

  • Array [
  • unifiedAssetId string

    Unique identifier for the asset associated with the alert.

    alertId string

    Unique identifier for the alert.

    policy object

    Details of the policy that triggered the alert.

    policyId string

    Unique identifier for the policy.

    name string

    Name of the policy.

    severity string

    Possible values: [low, medium, high, critical]

    Severity level of the policy.

    policyType string

    Type of the policy.

    findingTypes string[]


    Types of findings associated with the policy.

  • ]
  • totalAlertsCount integer

    Total number of alerts associated with the asset.

  • ]
  • services object[]

    List of services with associated details.

  • Array [
  • Raw string

    Raw service identifier.

    Name string

    Name of the service.

    Id string

    Unique identifier for the service.

    Kind string[]

    Types or categories of the service.

    Region string

    The region where the service is located.

  • ]