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Generate the CFT Template Link (AWS)



Generates the AWS Cloudformation Stack Quick create link with S3 presigned CFT URL. The Generated CFT template will include Prisma Cloud generated externalId and the permissions based on selected features.

The response contains createStackLinkWithS3PresignedUrl key whose value can be used to create IAM role via AWS CloudFormation stack.

There are 2 ways to create IAM role:

  1. [Manual] If you are logged into your AWS Management console, directly open the value of the createStackLinkWithS3PresignedUrl key on a new tab in the browser.
  2. [Automation] Else, you can extract the actual S3 Presigned CFT URL from the createStackLinkWithS3PresignedUrl key by splitting at templateURL= and url decoding the last index of the split(i.e right part of the split). This extracted decoded link can be used to create or update the IAM role CloudFormation stack.

NOTE: The createStackLinkWithS3PresignedUrl link is valid for 1hr



Template Generated Successfully