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Get Existing Least Privilege Access Suggestions for an Asset



Suggest least privileged access from existing resources according to the asset. This configuration will minimize the amount of policies/roles used while preserve all the actions used in the last specified last X days


Path Parameters

    assetId stringrequired

    the UAI asset Id

    Example: 681390424b288d835f5cd03e7bfb0993

Query Parameters

    output_format int32required

    Output format type. One of: JSON / TERRAFORM/ CF

    Example: JSON
    lookback_duration_days int32required

    Amount of days to look back for used actions

    Example: 90



    nextPageToken string

    Next page token

    permissionsInAssetCount int32

    Number of actions in asset

    permissionsInLeastPrivilegedCount int32

    Number of actions in least privileged access

    analysis object[]

    Least Privileged result analysis

  • Array [
  • action string
    configurationName string
    keep boolean
  • ]
  • value object[]

    Least Privileged Access items

  • Array [
  • iamResourceName string

    The name of the iam resource

    iamResourceId string

    The id of the iam resource

    iamResourceType string

    The type of iam resource

    formatType string

    Format type of the access policy

    snippet string

    The access policy

  • ]