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Get Cve Overview V2




This endpoint has been deprecated and may be replaced or removed in future versions of the API.

Get the detailed information for a given cve. This endpoint returns additional information, such as EPSS details, CVSS details, exploit details, and environment factors, compared to the Get CVE Overview endpoint.


Replacement Endpoint: Get CVE Overview - POST


Query Parameters

    cve_id stringrequired

    CVE ID

    Example: CVE-2021-44288
    asset_type string[]

    Possible values: [package, iac, deployedImage, vmImage, registryImage, host, serverlessFunction]

    Asset Type

    life_cycle string[]

    Possible values: [code, build, deploy, run]

    Life Cycle

    severities string[]

    Possible values: [critical, medium, high, low]




    cveId string
    cvss double
    lifeCycle string[]
    riskFactors string[]
    severity string
    impactedDistrosList object[]
  • Array [
  • distro string
    impactCount int32
    highestCVSS double
    highestSeverity string
    firstPublishedDate int64
    lastModifiedDate int64
    distroDetailsList object[]
  • Array [
  • cvss double
    packageName string
    release string
    severity string
    affectedVersion string
    fixedTime int64
    publishedDate int64
    modifiedDate int64
  • ]
  • ]
  • impactedAssetsCount int32
    impactedAssetsRuntimeCount int32
    description string
    firstSeen int64
    lastSeen int64
    packageType string[]
    impactedPackages string[]
    cvssDetails object
    publishedDate int64
    lastModifiedDate int64
    attackVector string
    privilegesRequired string
    confidentiality string
    attackComplexity string
    userInteractionRequired string
    integrity string
    patchable boolean
    exploitable boolean
    environmentFactors object
    internetExposed boolean
    packageInUse boolean
    epssDetails object
    epss int64
    epss_previous int64
    probabilityScore double
    exploitDetails object
    cisaLink string
    cisaKind string
    additionalLinks object
    vendorLinks string[]
    nvdlinks string[]