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List Top Policies



Gets the data for the top N policies with most alerts, based on the type for the request time, accounts, account groups and swimlane type. Maximum time range supported is last 30 days.


Path Parameters

    swimlane-type stringrequired

    Type of the swimlane. Allowed values: [misconfigurations, incidents, exposures, iam, data-security, attack-path]


    filters object[]

    List of filters that can be applied for the API

  • Array [
  • name FilterType (string)

    Possible values: [, cloud.account]

    operator string

    Only allowed operator for the filter is '='

    value string

    Value for the applied filter

  • ]
  • timeRange objectrequired
    type string

    Type of time ranges supported: [absolute, relative]

    value object

    Absolute Time containing start and end time. Maximum time range supported is last 30 days.

    startTime int64
    endTime int64
    type string

    Type of time ranges supported: [absolute, relative]

    value object
    limit int32

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 10

    Default value: 5

    Limit on the number of resources requested



    value object[]

    List of top policies details

  • Array [
  • policyId string

    Id of the policy

    policyName string

    Name of the policy

    policyType string

    Type of the policy

    severity string

    Severity of the policy

    alertCount int64

    Total number of alerts associated with the policy

    policyDescription string

    Description of the policy

  • ]
  • startTime int64

    Start time of the time range

    endTime int64

    End time of the time range

    swimlaneType string

    Type of the swimlane

    lastScanTs int64

    Last scan time of the backend aggregation job
