Cloud Accounts (AWS)
To monitor the resources on your AWS cloud infrastructure, you must first add your AWS accounts to Prisma Cloud. When you add your cloud account to Prisma Cloud, the API integration between AWS and Prisma Cloud is established and you can begin monitoring the resources and identify potential security risks.
The Cloud Account (AWS) APIs enable you to add and manage AWS accounts on Prisma Cloud. For end to end workflow to onboarding an AWS account using APIs, see Automate AWS Cloud Account Onboarding. For common operations related to cloud accounts, see Cloud Accounts (All).
📄️ Add Cloud Account (AWS)
Onboard a new aws cloud account onto the Prisma Cloud platform.
📄️ List Ancestors (AWS)
Lists the ancestors of the given member accounts and organizational units (OUs) for the specified cloud account ID. A successful response returns an array of accounts and/or OUs each of which is mapped to an array of ancestor resource IDs.
📄️ Update Cloud Account (AWS)
Update details of an AWS cloud account that is already present in Prisma Cloud. **Note:** To enable or disable a cloud account, use [Update Cloud Account Status]( API.
📄️ List Children of Parent (AWS)
For AWS only. Lists all the children of the given parent organizational unit (OU).The listed children include both OU resources and account resources.
📄️ Get Cloud Account Status (AWS)
Lists status messages of the specified AWS cloud account.
📄️ List Ancestors (AWS) - Legacy
For AWS only. Lists the ancestors of the given member accounts and organizational units (OUs) for the specified cloud account ID. A successful response returns an array of accounts and/or OUs each of which is mapped to an array of ancestor resource IDs.
📄️ List Children of Parent (AWS) - Legacy
Lists all the children of the given parent organizational unit (OU).The listed children include both OU resources and account resources.
📄️ Check Data Security Preconditions (AWS Org)
Returns whether or not the set up for your AWS Organization meets the prerequisites for successful creation of a data security configuration.
📄️ Add Data Security Config (AWS Org)
Creates a data security configuration for an AWS Organization.
📄️ Update Data Security Config (AWS Org)
Updates the data security configuration for the AWS Organization with the specified account ID.
📄️ Get Data Security Config (AWS Org)
Returns the data security configuration for the AWS Organization with the specified account ID.
📄️ Generate the CFT Template Link (AWS)
Generates the AWS Cloudformation Stack Quick create link with S3 presigned CFT URL. The Generated CFT template will include Prisma Cloud generated externalId and the permissions based on selected features.
📄️ Generate and Download the CFT Template (AWS)
Generates the AWS CFT template. The Generated CFT template includes Prisma Cloud generated externalId and the permissions based on selected features.
📄️ Fetch Master Account Details (AWS Org)
Returns the necessary attributes that define the AWS ORG account necessary for various PCDS flows.
📄️ Performs a Permissions Check for the Given PCDS Account (AWS Org)
Returns details pertaining to the rudimentary permissions check - contains details pertaining to any missing permissions.