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Bulk Export Resource Archives



Returns a list that has details about (and optionally, links for) the compressed archive files that contain the configuration details for assets that were deleted in the specified time period.

Each archive file contains the configuration details for up to 50,000 assets that belong to a cloud account ID and were deleted on a specific day.

The returned list has a maximum of 10 items. Each item is itself an array that has details about the archive file and (optionally) a temporary presigned URL for downloading the file. If the number of archive files exceeds 10, the response includes a URL (nextPageUrl) that you can use to get the next 10 archive files.

This endpoint checks the date on which an asset was deleted against the specified dates. If the asset was deleted on or after the specified start_date and on or before the specified end_date, and subsequently archived, it is included in an archive file returned by this endpoint.

Users must have the “System Admin” role in Prisma Cloud to invoke this endpoint.

Rate Limits

The following rate limits apply:

  • Request Rate Limit: 80/minute


Path Parameters

    prisma_id stringrequired

    Your Prisma Cloud tenant ID.

Query Parameters

    start_date date-timerequired

    Start date (in the YYYY-MM-DD format) of the asset deletion period. If an asset was deleted on or after this date and on or before the end_date, and subsequently archived, it is included in one of the returned archives.

    end_date date-timerequired

    End date (in the YYYY-MM-DD format) of the asset deletion period. If an asset was deleted on or before this date and on or after the start_date, and subsequently archived, it is included in one of the returned archives.

    include_url boolean

    This is an optional field. By default, the API returns the resource archive ID, cloud account ID, and the asset deletion date for 10 compressed archive files. If set to true, each item in the returned list also includes the presigned URL compressed archive file. The presigned URL is valid for 10 minutes from the time they are generated.

    nextPageToken string

    The token to retrieve details for the next 10 compressed archive files. This token and other query parameters are included in the nextPageUrl returned in the response.


Successfully retrieved details for the compressed archive files for the specified time period

  • Array [
  • value object[]

    An array that has a maximum of 10 items. Each item in the array is also an array that contains the resource archive ID, cloud account ID, asset deletion date, and optionally a presigned URL for the compressed archive file.

  • Array [
  • id string

    Unique ID of the resource archive.

    cloudAccountId string

    Cloud account ID of the assets included in the resource archive.

    date string

    Date on which the assets that are included in the compressed archive file were deleted.

    url string

    Presigned URL for downloading the compressed archive (.zip) file. This URL is valid for 10 minutes. If the URL expires before you can download the file, you can invoke this endpoint again to get another valid URL.

  • ]
  • nextPageUrl string

    The URL to retrieve details for the next 10 compressed archive files. You can use this field to get the details for the next 10 compressed archive files.

  • ]