Asset Inventory View V3 - GET
Returns asset inventory pass/fail data.
The response includes an attribute groupedAggregates, whose content depends on the groupBy query parameter. The following table shows the attributes that groupedAggregates will include for the specified groupBy query parameter:
groupBy | groupedAggregates Includes |
not specified | cloudTypeName |
cloudType | cloudTypeName |
cloud.account | accountName |
cloud.region | regionName, cloudTypeName |
cloud.service | serviceName, cloudTypeName |
resource.type | resourceTypeName, cloudTypeName |
If you specify groupBy multiple times in a single request, then groupedAggregates will include multiple attributes. For example, you can set the following in the URL: groupBy=cloud.account&groupBy=cloud.service. Doing so will have the same effect as specifying a comma-separated list of values for groupBy.
Query Parameters
Cloud account
Account group
Cloud type
Cloud region
Cloud service
Resource type
Comma-separated list of values by to group response items. Valid values are cloud.type, cloud.account, cloud.region, cloud.service, and/or resource.type. Default is cloud.type.
Possible values: [all
, passed
, failed
Whether or not the resources passed or failed the scan. All includes both scanned and unscanned resources.
Policy compliance standard name
Policy compliance requirement name
Policy severity
Vulnerability Severity
- 200
- 400
- 404
- application/json; charset=UTF-8
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Array [
- ]
groupedAggregates object[]
List of grouped asset inventory aggregates
Name of cloud account
Possible to drill down further
Name of cloud type
The number of resources whose highest policy failure is critical
The number of resources that failed with critical vulnerabilities
Number of failed resources
The number of resources that failed high severity policies
The number of resources that failed with high vulnerabilities
The number of resources whose highest policy failure is informational
The number of resources whose highest policy failure is low
The number of resources that failed with low vulnerabilities
The number of resources whose highest policy failure is medium
The number of resources that failed with medium vulnerabilities
Number of passed resources
Name of cloud region
Name of resource type
Name of cloud service
Total number of Compliance Standard/Requirement/Section scanned resources
The total number of resources that failed with vulnerabilities
Total number of unscanned resources
Requested timestamp
summary object
Model for Asset Inventory Summary
The number of resources that failed critical severity policies
The number of resources that failed with critical vulnerabilities
Number of failed resources
The number of resources that failed high severity policies
The number of resources that failed with high vulnerabilities
The number of resources that failed informational severity policies
The number of resources that failed low severity policies
The number of resources that failed with low vulnerabilities
The number of resources that failed medium severity policies
The number of resources that failed with medium vulnerabilities
Number of passed resources
Total number of resources
The total number of resources that failed with vulnerabilities
Total number of unscanned resources
"groupedAggregates": [
"accountId": "string",
"accountName": "string",
"allowDrillDown": true,
"cloudTypeName": "string",
"criticalSeverityFailedResources": 0,
"criticalVulnerabilityFailedResources": 0,
"failedResources": 0,
"highSeverityFailedResources": 0,
"highVulnerabilityFailedResources": 0,
"informationalSeverityFailedResources": 0,
"lowSeverityFailedResources": 0,
"lowVulnerabilityFailedResources": 0,
"mediumSeverityFailedResources": 0,
"mediumVulnerabilityFailedResources": 0,
"passedResources": 0,
"regionName": "string",
"resourceTypeName": "string",
"serviceName": "string",
"totalResources": 0,
"totalVulnerabilityFailedResources": 0,
"unscannedResources": 0
"requestedTimestamp": 0,
"summary": {
"criticalSeverityFailedResources": 0,
"criticalVulnerabilityFailedResources": 0,
"failedResources": 0,
"highSeverityFailedResources": 0,
"highVulnerabilityFailedResources": 0,
"informationalSeverityFailedResources": 0,
"lowSeverityFailedResources": 0,
"lowVulnerabilityFailedResources": 0,
"mediumSeverityFailedResources": 0,
"mediumVulnerabilityFailedResources": 0,
"passedResources": 0,
"timestamp": 0,
"totalResources": 0,
"totalVulnerabilityFailedResources": 0,
"unscannedResources": 0
"timestamp": 0