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Asset Inventory Trend View V3 - GET



Returns asset inventory pass/fail trends.


Query Parameters

    cloud.account string

    Cloud account string

    Account group

    cloud.type string

    Cloud type

    cloud.region string

    Cloud region

    cloud.service string

    Cloud service

    resource.type string

    Resource type

    scan.status string

    Scan status

    policy.complianceStandard string

    Policy compliance standard name

    policy.complianceRequirement string

    Policy compliance requirement name

    policy.complianceSection string

    Policy compliance section ID

    asset.severity string

    Policy severity

    vulnerability.severity string

    Vulnerability Severity



  • Array [
  • criticalSeverityFailedResources int64

    The number of resources that failed critical severity policies

    criticalVulnerabilityFailedResources int64

    The number of resources that failed with critical vulnerabilities

    failedResources int64

    Number of failed resources

    highSeverityFailedResources int64

    The number of resources that failed high severity policies

    highVulnerabilityFailedResources int64

    The number of resources that failed with high vulnerabilities

    informationalSeverityFailedResources int64

    The number of resources that failed informational severity policies

    lowSeverityFailedResources int64

    The number of resources that failed low severity policies

    lowVulnerabilityFailedResources int64

    The number of resources that failed with low vulnerabilities

    mediumSeverityFailedResources int64

    The number of resources that failed medium severity policies

    mediumVulnerabilityFailedResources int64

    The number of resources that failed with medium vulnerabilities

    passedResources int64

    Number of passed resources

    timestamp int64


    totalResources int64

    Total number of resources

    totalVulnerabilityFailedResources int64

    The total number of resources that failed with vulnerabilities

    unscannedResources int64

    Total number of unscanned resources

  • ]