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Download Unmanaged Assets



Download list of unmanaged assets based on filters.



    snapshotDate int64
    cloudTypes string[]

    Possible values: [AWS, GCP, AZURE, ALIBABA_CLOUD]

    Cloud types

    assetTypes string[]

    Possible values: [Domain, ResponsiveIP]

    Asset types

    manageType Manage type (string)

    Possible values: [MANAGED, UNMANAGED]

    Default value: UNMANAGED

    serviceTypes string[]

    Service types

    nextPageToken Next page token (string)
    searchText Search text (string)
    snoozeStatus string[]

    Possible values: [SNOOZED, ACTIVE]

    accountMappingStatus string[]

    Possible values: [MAPPED, UNMAPPED]

    Mapped indicates that the asset is connected to a parent account or organizational unit (OU) on Prisma Cloud, whereas unmapped signifies that the asset is not associated with any parent account or OU on Prisma Cloud.

    managedCommunication string[]

    Possible values: [TRUE, FALSE]

    This parameter is used to filter unmanaged assets based on the unmanaged assets communication with managed assets.

    The default value is False.

    True - To get all the unmanaged assets communicating with managed assets on Prisma Cloud.

    False - To get all the unmanaged assets that are not communicating with managed assets on Prisma Cloud.

    Empty array or specifying both [True, False] - To get all unmanaged assets irrespective of their connection with managed assets.


