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Get Alert Count by Policy Groups



Get policy groups with alert count based on the group by policy and input filters. The list is paginated and to fetch the remaining data, provide the nextPageToken.



    filters object[]

    Filter parameters

  • Array [
  • name string
    value string
    operator string
  • ]
  • sortBy string[]

    Array of sort properties.

    Append :asc or :desc to the key to sort by ascending or descending order, respectively. Example: id:asc.

    groupBy string

    Possible values: [policy.type, policy.severity, policy.label, compliance.standard]

    Group by field.

    size int32

    Maximum number of items to return per page when data is paginated. The value cannot exceed 500 and default value is 50.

    nextPageToken string

    The nextPageToken value from the previous response object, which is used to get the next page of data.

    timeRange object
    Time type string

    Possible values: [to_now,absolute,relative,from_now]

    Time value object

    Possible values: [epoch]

    Field for range string

    Possible values: [lastOpenStateTs, lastStatusChangeTs, lastOpenStateTs]

    type stringrequired
    value object
    startTime int64
    endTime int64


Successful operation

    groups object[]
  • Array [
  • group string

    group by field, for example : policy type, compliance standard etc

    totalAlerts int64

    sum of all alert count for all policies in the group

    totalPolicies int32

    number of policies in the group

    criticalAlertCount int64

    alert count for policies with critical severity in the group

    highAlertCount int64

    alert count for policies with high severity in the group

    mediumAlertCount int64

    alert count for policies with medium severity in the group

    lowAlertCount int64

    alert count for policies with low severity in the group

    informationalAlertCount int64

    alert count for policies with informational severity in the group

    buildPolicyCount int64

    number of build policy

    runPolicyCount int64

    number of run policy

    findingTypes string[]

    List of finding types

    cloudTypes string[]

    Possible values: [all, aws, azure, gcp, alibaba_cloud, oci, other, ibm]

    List of cloud types

    policyIds string[]

    List of policy ids

  • ]
  • groupBy string
    nextPageToken string