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Add Policy



Adds a new policy.

The request to add a custom policy uses request body parameters that describe the following:

  • General policy information, such as name, labels, and severity
  • Whether or not the policy is enabled. If you don't specify a value for enabled when you add a policy, the default is enabled=true
  • A rule, which identifies a saved search that defines the policy constraints (i.e. RQL query)
  • Optional compliance standards
  • Optional remediation details

The following are some examples of request body parameters for a request to add a policy. A new custom policy requires a saved search. Specify a saved search ID for the criteria request parameter. You can request a list of exiting saved searches through the endpoint to View Search History.

Note that the request parameters to add a custom config policy require a cloudType. The requests for other policy types default to a cloudType of ALL.

The JSON below is an example of the minimal request body parameters you need to add a config policy:

"cloudType": "aws",
"name": "Config test policy",
"policyType": "config",
"rule": {
"criteria": "e1234567-2798-4d1d-a1b0-52d60d49730b",
"name": "test rule",
"parameters": {
"savedSearch": "true"
"type": "Config"
"severity": "low"

The JSON below is an example of the minimal request body parameters you need to add a network policy:

"name": "test-network-policy",
"policyType": "network",
"severity": "medium",
"rule": {
"name": "test-network-rule",
"criteria": "c1234567-3a02-4392-a228-327d0db3324d",
"parameters": {
"savedSearch": "true"
"type": "Network"

The JSON below is an example of the minimal request body parameters you need to add an audit event policy:


The JSON below is an example of the minimal request body parameters you need to add an IAM policy:

"cloudType": "ALL",
"name": "test-iam-policy",
"policyType": "IAM",
"rule": {
"criteria": "71234567-7251-4d3b-9be1-cced127fd09d",
"name": "test-iam",
"parameters": {
"savedSearch": "true"
"type": "IAM"
"severity": "medium"

The JSON below is an example of the minimal request body parameters you need to add a config policy that includes a compliance standard:

"cloudType": "aws",
"complianceMetadata": [
"standardName": "GDPR",
"requirementId": "Chapter 1",
"sectionId": "Article 1",
"customAssigned": true,
"complianceId": "91234567-7ddf-4e44-96fd-95135d9fbc6b",
"requirementName": "General provisions",
"sectionLabel": "Article 1"
"description": "API test",
"name": "demo",
"policyType": "config",
"rule": {
"criteria": "b1234567-84fc-4443-8cbc-f08f13fba586",
"name": "demo",
"parameters": {
"savedSearch": "true"
"type": "Config"
"severity": "medium"

The JSON below is an example of the request body parameters you need to add a custom build policy:

"cloudType": "aws",
"complianceMetadata": [],
"description": "",
"labels": [],
"name": "demo",
"policySubTypes": [
"policyType": "config",
"recommendation": "",
"rule": {
"children": [
"criteria": "{\"category\":\"Storage\",\"resourceTypes\":[\"aws_s3_bucket\"],\"conditionQuery\":{\"attribute\":\"acl\",\"operator\":\"not_equals\",\"value\":\"log-delivery-write\",\"cond_type\":\"attribute\"}}",
"type": "build",
"recommendation": ""
"name": "demo",
"parameters": {
"savedSearch": "false",
"withIac": "true"
"type": "Config"
"severity": "low"

The JSON below is an example of the minimal request body parameters you need to add a Code Security build config policy:

"cloudType": "aws/gcp/azure",
"complianceMetadata": [],
"description": "Code Security build policy",
"labels": [],
"name": "demo",
"policySubTypes": ["build"],
"policyType": "config",
"recommendation": "",
"rule": {
"children": [
"metadata": {
"code": "yaml string"
"type": "build",
"recommendation": ""
"name": "demo",
"parameters": {
"savedSearch": "false",
"withIac": "true"
"type": "Config"
"severity": "low",
"enabled": bool

The JSON below is an example of the minimal request body parameters you need to add a Code Security run config policy:

"cloudType": "azure",
"complianceMetadata": [],
"description": "Code Security run policy",
"labels": [],
"name": "demo",
"policySubTypes": ["run"],
"policyType": "config",
"recommendation": "",
"rule": {
"children": [
"metadata": {
"code": "yaml string"
"type": "build",
"recommendation": ""
"name": "demo",
"parameters": {
"savedSearch": "true",
"withIac": "true"
"type": "Config"
"severity": "medium",
"enabled": bool



successful operation