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Pull Requests over Time



Returns the count of the different pull request statuses (Failed, Resolved (Failed and was blocking issues were resolved) and Passed) per day for the last 30 days. You can set the repositories and startDate parameters in the request body to filter the results.



    repositories Repository (string)[]

    The repositories filter enables you to retrieve issues related to one or more repositories. You must provide the UUIDs of the repositories that you want to include in the filter. To retrieve the UUID of a repository use the List repository list endpoint. (the id field of the response has the UUID of the repository).

    startDate StartDate (string)required

    (applicable to Code issues over time, and Pull Requests over Time): The start date filter enables you to retrieve issues from a given date. Provide a date earlier than the current date in the ISO 8601 format.


Pull Requests Issues Over Time

    data object[]required
  • Array [
  • date stringrequired

    A date in ISO 8601 format. The response includes data for every single day starting from the given startDate.

    failedCount stringrequired

    Number of pull requests that failed till the date.

    failedTodayCount stringrequired

    Number of pull requests that failed on that date.

    passedCount stringrequired

    Number of pull requests that passed till the date.

    resolvedCount stringrequired

    Number of (failed and blocking) pull request issues that were resolved till the date.

  • ]
  • lastScanDate stringrequired

    The time when the last scan was triggered.
