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Top CVSS Score Vulnerabilities



Returns the list of vulnerabilities that have the highest CVSS scores. The results also include CVE details such as Risk Factors and Severity. You can set the repositories and severities parameters in the request body to filter the results.



    repositories Repository (string)[]

    The repositories filter enables you to retrieve issues related to one or more repositories. You must provide the UUIDs of the repositories that you want to include in the filter. To retrieve the UUID of a repository use the List repository list endpoint. (the id field of the response has the UUID of the repository).

    severities Severity (string)[]

    Possible values: [INFO, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, CRITICAL]

    The severity level of the vulnerability or misconfiguration.

    • Critical: Critical severity indicates a high-risk vulnerability or misconfiguration that could lead to significant security breaches or data leaks. These issues require immediate attention and remediation.
    • High: High severity indicates a significant security issue that has the potential to be exploited or result in significant damage if left unaddressed. These findings should be addressed as a priority.
    • Medium: Medium severity indicates issues that pose a potential security risk that are less severe than Critical and High. Remediation of these issues should be prioritized, but they may not require immediate attention.
    • Low: Low severity indicates issues that have a minimal impact on security or are relatively low-risk. While they may not pose an immediate threat, it is still recommended to address them to maintain a robust security posture.
    • Info: Info severity is used for informational findings or recommendations that do not pose an immediate security risk but provide helpful guidance, best practices, or suggestions for optimization. These findings can be considered as part of ongoing security hygiene efforts.
    size double

    The maximum number of results included in the response.


Top CVSS Vulnerabilieties

    data object[]required
  • Array [
  • count stringrequired

    Number of Vulnerabilities found in the last scan.

    cveId stringrequired

    The CVE ID of the vulnerability.

    cvss doublerequired

    The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score of the vulnerability.

    riskFactors objectrequired

    The following risk factors are combined to determine a vulnerability's risk.

    AttackComplexity stringrequired

    Vulnerability is easily exploited.

    AttackVector stringrequired

    Vulnerability is remotely exploitable. The vulnerable component is bound to the network, and the attacker’s path is through the network.

    DoS booleanrequired

    Component is vulnerable to denial of service attacks, such as buffer overflow attacks, and ICMP floods. The risk is categorized as high or low based on impact.

    HasFix booleanrequired

    Fix is available from the vendor or package maintainer.

    RemoteExecution boolean

    Vulnerability can be exploited to run arbitrary code.

    Severity stringrequired

    The severity level of the vulnerability or misconfiguration. Possible values are INFO, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, or CRITICAL.

    severity stringrequired

    The severity level of the vulnerability or misconfiguration. Possible values are INFO, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, or CRITICAL.

  • ]
  • lastScanDate stringrequired

    The time when the last scan was triggered.
