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List Related Alerts



The API returns paginated related alerts for a given action plan id. You must have ActionPlanOverview_READ permission to access this endpoint. Rate limit 2/sec.


Path Parameters

    action-plan-id stringrequired

    action plan id

    Example: action plan id

Query Parameters

    limit integer

    page limit, default 100

    Example: 10
    next_page_token string

    page token

    Example: <next page token>

Header Parameters

    x-redlock-auth stringrequired

    Authorize using Authentication token

    Example: jwt token



    lastRunTs int64
    id string
    totalCount int64
    value object[]
  • Array [
  • alertId string
    alertTime int64
    alertStatus string
    resource object
    accountId string
    accountName string
    url string
    unifiedAssetId string
    name string
    resourceDetailsAvailable boolean
    policy object
    policyType string
    findingTypes string[]
    policyId string
    policyName string
    policySeverity string
    isAlertAccessible boolean
  • ]
  • nextPageToken string