Action Plan Management APIs
Action Plan Management APIs
📄️ List Action Plans
List all Action Plans for a tenant ordered by criticality desc. Offset for pagination.You must have **ActionPlanOverview_READ** permission to access this endpoint. Rate limit 10/sec.
📄️ Update Action Plan Status or Assignee
Update an action plan. Partial updates are supported. You must have **ActionPlanOverview_UPDATE** permission to access this endpoint. Rate limit 5/sec.
📄️ Update Action Plan Feedback
Update action plan feedback. You must have **ActionPlanOverview_READ** permission to access this endpoint. Rate Limit 5/sec
📄️ Recommendation Summary
Recommendation summary based on all the recommendations associated with related policies for an action plan. You must have **ActionPlanOverview_READ** permission to access this endpoint. Rate limit 2/sec.
📄️ List Related Alerts
The API returns paginated related alerts for a given action plan id. You must have **ActionPlanOverview_READ** permission to access this endpoint. Rate limit 2/sec.
📄️ List Impacted Assets
List of impacted assets ordered by asset ID asc. Offset for pagination. You must have **ActionPlanOverview_READ** permission to access this endpoint. Rate limit 2/sec.
📄️ Send Notification
The API sends Jira/slack notifications for a given action plan id. You must have **ActionPlanRemediation_UPDATE** permission to access this endpoint. Rate limit 2/sec.
📄️ List Action Plan Names
Get action plan names. You must have **ActionPlanOverview_READ** permission to access this endpoint. Rate limit 2/sec.
📄️ Suggest Filters
List suggestions for UI filters. You must have **ActionPlanOverview_READ** permission to access this endpoint.
📄️ List Filtered Critical Assets
Get business asset criticality. You must have **System Admin** permissions to access this endpoint. Rate limit 15/sec.
📄️ Set Asset Criticality
Set asset criticality. You must have **System Admin** permissions to access this endpoint. Rate limit 15/sec.
📄️ Check Asset Criticality
Check an asset's criticality. You must have **System Admin** permissions to access this endpoint. Rate limit 15/sec