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class CheckType

Class mapping check configuration strings for commonly used variables.

Readiness checks configuration passed to the CheckFirewall class is in a form of a list of strings. These strings are compared in several places to parse the configuration and set the proper checks. This class is used to avoid hardcoding these strings. It maps the actual configuration string to a variable that can be referenced in the code.

class SnapType

Class mapping the snapshot configuration strings to the commonly used variables.

Snapshot configuration passed to the CheckFirewall class is in a form of a list of strings. These strings are compared in several places to parse the configuration and set proper snapshots. This class is used to avoid hardcoding these strings. It maps the actual configuration string to a variable that can be referenced in the code.

class HealthType

Class mapping the health check configuration strings to commonly used variables.

CheckFirewall class is in a form of a list of strings. These strings are compared in several places to parse the configuration.

This class is used to avoid hardcoding these strings. It maps the actual configuration string to a variable that can be referenced in the code.

class CheckStatus

Class containing possible statuses for the check results.

Its main purpose is to extend the simple True/False logic in a way that would provide more details/explanation in case a check fails. It provides the following statuses:

  • FAIL

class SupportedHashes

Class listing supported hashing methods.

Algorithms listed here are order from less to most secure (this order follows many criteria, some of them are mentioned here).

By extending the Enum class we can easily use this class to compare two hashing methods in terms of their security, for example:

bool(SupportedHashes.MD5.value < SupportedHashes.SHA256.value)

would produce True.

class CheckResult

Class representing the readiness check results.

It provides two types of information:

  • status which represents information about the check outcome,
  • reason a reason behind the particular outcome, this comes in handy when a check fails.

Most of the CheckFirewall methods use this class to store the return values, but mostly internally. The CheckFirewall.run_readiness_checks() method translates this class into the python primitives: str and bool.


  • status (CheckStatus): Holds the status of a check. See CheckStatus class for details.
  • reason (str): Holds a reason explaining why a check fails. Provides no value if the check is successful.


def __str__()

This class' string representation.


str: a string combined from the self.status and self.reason variables. Provides a human readable representation of the class. Perfect to provide a reason for a particular check outcome.


def __bool__()

Class' boolean representation.


bool: a boolean value interpreting the value of the current state:

class ConfigParser

Class responsible for parsing the provided configuration.

This class is universal, meaning it parses configuration provided as the list of strings or dictionaries and verifies it against the list of valid configuration items. There are no hardcoded items against which the configuration is checked. This class is used in many places in this package and it uses a specific dialect.


  • _requested_config_names (set): Contains only element names of the requested configuration. When no requested configuration is passed (implicit 'all'), this is equal to self.valid_elements.


def __init__(valid_elements: Iterable,
requested_config: Optional[List[Union[str, dict]]] = None)

ConfigParser constructor.

Introduces some initial verification logic:

  • valid_elements is converted to set - this way we get rid of all duplicates,
  • if requested_config is None we immediately treat it as if all was passed implicitly (see dialect) - it's expanded to valid_elements
  • _requested_config_names is introduced as requested_config stripped of any element configurations. Additionally, we do verification if elements of this variable match valid_elements. An exception is thrown if not.


  • valid_elements (iterable): Valid elements against which we check the requested config.
  • requested_config (list, optional): (defaults to None) A list of requested configuration items with an optional configuration.


  • UnknownParameterException: An exception is raised when a requested configuration element is not one of the valid elements.


def _is_element_included(element: str) -> bool

Method verifying if a config element is a correct (supported) value.

This method can also handle not-elements (see dialect).


  • element (str): The config element to verify. This can be a not-element. This parameter is verified against self.valid_elements set. Key word 'all' is also accepted.


bool: True if the value is correct, False otherwise.


def _extract_element_name(config: Union[str, dict]) -> str

Method that extracts the name from a config element.

If a config element is a string, the actual config element is returned. For elements of a dictionary type, the 1st key is returned.


  • config (str, dict): A config element to provide a name for.


  • WrongDataTypeException: Thrown when config does not meet requirements.


str: The config element name.


def _expand_all() -> None

Expand key word 'all' to self.valid_elements.

During expansion, elements from self.valid_elements which are already available in self.requested_config are skipped. This way we do not introduce duplicates for elements that were provided explicitly.

This method directly operates on self.requested_config.


def prepare_config() -> List[Union[str, dict]]

Parse the input config and return a machine-usable configuration.

The parsed configuration retains element types. This means that an element of a dictionary type will remain a dictionary in the parsed config.

This method handles most of the dialect's logic.


list: The parsed configuration.


def interpret_yes_no(boolstr: str) -> bool

Interpret yes/no as booleans.


  • boolstr (str): yes or no, a typical device response for simple boolean-like queries.


  • WrongDataTypeException: An exception is raised when boolstr is neither yes or no.


bool: True for yes, False for no.


def printer(report: dict, indent_level: int = 0) -> None

Print reports in human friendly format.


  • report (dict): Dict with reports from tests.
  • indent_level (int): Indentation level.