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class FirewallProxy

A proxy to the Firewall class.

Proxy in this case means that this class is between the high level CheckFirewall class and the Firewall class representing the device itself. There is no inheritance between the Firewall and FirewallProxy classes, but an object of the latter one has access to all attributes of the former.

All interaction with a device are read-only. Therefore, a less privileged user can be used.

All methods starting with is_ check the state, they do not present any data besides simple boolean values.

All methods starting with get_ fetch data from a device by running a command and parsing the output. The return data type can be different depending on what kind of information is returned from a device.


  • _fw (Firewall): an object of the Firewall class.


def __init__(firewall: Optional[Firewall] = None, **kwargs)

Constructor of the FirewallProxy class.

Main purpose of this constructor is to store an object of the Firewall class. This can be done in two ways:

  1. by passing an existing object
  2. by passing credentials and address of a device (all parameters used byt the Firewall class constructor are supported).

Please note that positional arguments are not supported.


  • firewall (Firewall): An existing object of the Firewall class.
  • **kwargs: Used to pass keyword arguments that will be used directly in the Firewall class constructor.


  • WrongNumberOfArgumentsException: Raised when a mixture of arguments is passed (for example a Firewall object and firewall credentials).


def __getattr__(attr)

An overload of the default __getattr__() method.

Its main purpose is to provide backwards compatibility to the old FirewallProxy class structure. It's called when a requested attribute does not exist in the FirewallProxy class object, and it tries to fetch it from the Firewall object stored within the FirewallProxy object.

From the FirewallProxy object's interface perspective, this provides the same behaviour as if the FirewallProxy would still inherit from the Firewall class.


def op_parser(cmd: str,
cmd_in_xml: Optional[bool] = False,
return_xml: Optional[bool] = False) -> Union[dict, ET.Element]

Execute a command on node, parse, and return response.

This is just a wrapper around the Firewall.op() method. It additionally does basic error handling and tries to extract the actual device response.


  • cmd (str): The actual XML API command to be run on the device. Can be either a free form or an XML formatted command.
  • cmd_in_xml (bool): (defaults to False) Set to True if the command is XML-formatted.
  • return_xml (bool): (defaults to False) When set to True, the return data is an XML object instead of a Python dictionary.


  • CommandRunFailedException: An exception is raised if the command run status returned by a device is not successful.
  • MalformedResponseException: An exception is raised when a response is not parsable, no result element is found in the XML response.


dict, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element: The actual command output. A type is defined by the return_xml parameter.


def get_parser(xml_path: str,
return_xml: Optional[bool] = False) -> Union[dict, ET.Element]

Execute a configuration get command on a node, parse and return response.

This is a wrapper around the pan.xapi.get() method from the pan-python package. It does a basic error handling and tries to extract the actual response.


  • xml_path (str): An XPATH pointing to the config to be retrieved.
  • return_xml (bool): (defaults to False) When set to True, the return data is an XML object instead of a Python dictionary.


  • GetXpathConfigFailedException: This exception is raised when XPATH is not provided or does not exist.


dict, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element: The actual command output. A type is defined by the return_xml parameter.


def is_pending_changes() -> bool

Get information if there is a candidate configuration pending to be committed.

The actual API command run is check pending-changes.


bool: True when there are pending changes, False otherwise.


def is_full_commit_required() -> bool

Get information if a full commit is required, for example, after loading a named config.

The actual API command run is check full-commit-required.


bool: True when a full commit is required, False otherwise.


def is_panorama_configured() -> bool

Check if a device is configured with Panorama.

The actual API command run is show panorama-status.


bool: True when Panorama IPs are configured, False otherwise.


def is_panorama_connected() -> bool

Get Panorama connectivity status.

The actual API command run is show panorama-status.

An output of this command is usually a string. This method is responsible for parsing this string and trying to extract information if at least one of the Panoramas configured is connected.

Since the API response is a string (that we need to parse) this method expects a strict format. For single Panorama this is:

Example - single Panorama
    Panorama Server 1 :
Connected : no
HA state : disconnected

For two Panoramas (HA pair for example) those are just two blocks:

Example - HA Panorama
    Panorama Server 1 :
Connected : no
HA state : disconnected

Panorama Server 2 :
Connected : yes
HA state : disconnected

If none of this formats is met, MalformedResponseException exception is thrown.


  • PanoramaConfigurationMissingException: Exception being raised when this check is run against a device with no Panorama configured.
  • MalformedResponseException: Exception being raised when response from device does not meet required format.


bool: True when connection is up, False otherwise.


def get_ha_configuration() -> dict

Get high-availability configuration status.

The actual API command is show high-availability state.


dict: Information about HA pair and its status as retrieved from the current (local) device.

Sample output
'enabled': 'yes',
'group': {
'link-monitoring': {
'enabled': 'yes',
'failure-condition': 'any',
'groups': None
'local-info': {
'DLP': 'Match',
'VMS': 'Match',
'active-passive': {
'monitor-fail-holddown': '1',
'passive-link-state': 'shutdown'
'addon-master-holdup': '500',
'app-compat': 'Match',
'app-version': 'xxxx-yyyy',
'av-compat': 'Match',
'av-version': '0',
'build-compat': 'Match',
'build-rel': '10.2.3',
'gpclient-compat': 'Match',
'gpclient-version': 'Not Installed',
'ha1-encrypt-enable': 'no',
'ha1-encrypt-imported': 'no',
'ha1-gateway': '',
'ha1-ipaddr': '',
'ha1-link-mon-intv': '3000',
'ha1-macaddr': 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx',
'ha1-port': 'management',
'ha2-gateway': '',
'ha2-ipaddr': '',
'ha2-macaddr': 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx',
'ha2-port': 'ethernet1/3',
'heartbeat-interval': '10000',
'hello-interval': '10000',
'iot-compat': 'Match',
'iot-version': 'yy-zzz',
'max-flaps': '3',
'mgmt-ip': '',
'mgmt-ipv6': None,
'mode': 'Active-Passive',
'monitor-fail-holdup': '0',
'nonfunc-flap-cnt': '0',
'platform-model': 'PA-VM',
'preempt-flap-cnt': '0',
'preempt-hold': '1',
'preemptive': 'no',
'priority': '100',
'promotion-hold': '20000',
'state': 'passive',
'state-duration': '3675',
'state-sync': 'Complete',
'state-sync-type': 'ip',
'threat-compat': 'Match',
'threat-version': 'xxxx-yyyy',
'url-compat': 'Mismatch',
'url-version': '0000.00.00.000',
'version': '1',
'vm-license': 'VM-300',
'vm-license-compat': 'Match',
'vm-license-type': 'vm300',
'vpnclient-compat': 'Match',
'vpnclient-version': 'Not Installed'
'mode': 'Active-Passive',
'path-monitoring': {
'enabled': 'yes',
'failure-condition': 'any',
'virtual-router': None,
'virtual-wire': None,
'vlan': None
'peer-info': {
'DLP': '3.0.2',
'VMS': '3.0.3',
'app-version': 'xxxx-yyyy',
'av-version': '0',
'build-rel': '10.2.3',
'conn-ha1': {
'conn-desc': 'heartbeat status',
'conn-primary': 'yes',
'conn-status': 'up'
'conn-ha2': {
'conn-desc': 'link status',
'conn-ka-enbled': 'no',
'conn-primary': 'yes',
'conn-status': 'up'
'conn-status': 'up',
'gpclient-version': 'Not Installed',
'ha1-ipaddr': '',
'ha1-macaddr': 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx',
'ha2-ipaddr': '',
'ha2-macaddr': 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx',
'iot-version': 'yy-zzz',
'mgmt-ip': '',
'mgmt-ipv6': None,
'mode': 'Active-Passive',
'platform-model': 'PA-VM',
'preemptive': 'no',
'priority': '100',
'state': 'active',
'state-duration': '3680',
'threat-version': 'xxxx-yyyy',
'url-version': '20230126.20142',
'version': '1',
'vm-license': 'VM-300',
'vm-license-type': 'vm300',
'vpnclient-version': 'Not Installed'
'running-sync': 'synchronized',
'running-sync-enabled': 'yes'


def get_nics() -> dict

Get status of the configured network interfaces.

The actual API command run is show interface "hardware".


  • MalformedResponseException: Exception when no hw entry is available in the response.


dict: Status of the configured network interfaces.

Sample output
'ethernet1/1': 'down',
'ethernet1/2': 'down',
'ethernet1/3': 'up'


def get_licenses() -> dict

Get device licenses.

The actual API command is request license info.


  • DeviceNotLicensedException: Exception thrown when there is no information about licenses, most probably because the device is not licensed.


dict: Licenses available on a device.

Sample output
'AutoFocus Device License': {
'authcode': 'Snnnnnnn',
'base-license-name': 'PA-VM',
'description': 'AutoFocus Device License',
'expired': 'yes',
'expires': 'September 25, 2010',
'feature': 'AutoFocus Device License',
'issued': 'January 12, 2010',
'serial': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
'PA-VM': {
'authcode': None,
'description': 'Standard VM-300',
'expired': 'yes',
'expires': 'September 25, 2010',
'feature': 'PA-VM',
'issued': 'January 12, 2010',
'serial': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'


def get_support_license() -> dict

Get support license information from update servers.

The actual API command is request support check.

This method fetches the response in XML format:

<Title>Contact Us</Title>
<Title>Support Home</Title>
<Title>Manage Cases</Title>
<Contact>Click the contact link at right.</Contact>
<ExpiryDate>December 31, 2023</ExpiryDate>
<SupportDescription>24 x 7 phone support; advanced replacement hardware service</SupportDescription>


  • UpdateServerConnectivityException: Raised when timeout is reached when contacting an update server.
  • PanXapiError: Re-raised when an exception is caught but does not match UpdateServerConnectivityException.


dict: Partial information extracted from the response formatted as dict, it includes:

  • the expiry date,
  • the support level.


def get_routes() -> dict

Get route table entries, either retrieved from DHCP or configured manually.

The actual API command is show routing route.

In the returned dict the key is made of three route properties delimited with an underscore (_) in the following order:

  • virtual router name,
  • destination CIDR,
  • network interface name if one is available, empty string otherwise.

The key does not provide any meaningful information, it's there only to introduce uniqueness for each entry. All properties that make a key are also available in the value of a dictionary element.

Sample output
private_0.0.0.0/0_private/i3': {
'age': None,
'destination': '',
'flags': 'A S',
'interface': 'private/i3',
'metric': '10',
'nexthop': 'vr public',
'route-table': 'unicast',
'virtual-router': 'private'
'public_10.0.0.0/8_public/i3': {
'age': None,
'destination': '',
'flags': 'A S',
'interface': 'public/i3',
'metric': '10',
'nexthop': 'vr private',
'route-table': 'unicast',
'virtual-router': 'public'


dict: Routes information.


def get_arp_table() -> dict

Get the currently available ARP table entries.

The actual API command is <show><arp><entry name = 'all'/></arp></show>.

In the returned dict the key is made of two properties delimited with an underscore (_) in the following order:

  • interface name,
  • IP address.

The key does not provide any meaningful information, it's there only to introduce uniqueness for each entry. All properties that make a key are also available in the value of a dictionary element.

Sample output
'ethernet1/1_10.0.2.1': {
'interface': 'ethernet1/1',
'ip': '',
'mac': '12:34:56:78:9a:bc',
'port': 'ethernet1/1',
'status': 'c',
'ttl': '1094'
'ethernet1/2_10.0.1.1': {
'interface': 'ethernet1/2',
'ip': '',
'mac': '12:34:56:78:9a:bc',
'port': 'ethernet1/2',
'status': 'c',
'ttl': '1094'


dict: ARP table entries.


def get_sessions() -> list

Get information about currently running sessions.

The actual API command run is show session all.


list: Information about the current sessions.

Sample output
'application': 'undecided',
'decrypt-mirror': 'False',
'dport': '80',
'dst': '',
'dstnat': 'False',
'egress': 'ethernet1/1',
'flags': None,
'from': 'public',
'idx': '1116',
'ingress': 'ethernet1/1',
'nat': 'False',
'proto': '6',
'proxy': 'False',
'source': '',
'sport': '56670',
'srcnat': 'False',
'start-time': 'Thu Jan 26 02:46:30 2023',
'state': 'ACTIVE',
'to': 'public',
'total-byte-count': '296',
'type': 'FLOW',
'vsys': 'vsys1',
'vsys-idx': '1',
'xdport': '80',
'xdst': '',
'xsource': '',
'xsport': '56670'


def get_session_stats() -> dict

Get basic session statistics.

The actual API command is show session info.


This is raw output. Names of stats are the same as returned by API. No translation is made on purpose. The output of this command might vary depending on the version of PanOS.

For meaning and available statistics, refer to the official PanOS documentation.


dict: Session stats in a form of a dictionary.

Sample output
'age-accel-thresh': '80',
'age-accel-tsf': '2',
'age-scan-ssf': '8',
'age-scan-thresh': '80',
'age-scan-tmo': '10',
'cps': '0',
'dis-def': '60',
'dis-sctp': '30',
'dis-tcp': '90',
'dis-udp': '60',
'icmp-unreachable-rate': '200',
'kbps': '0',
'max-pending-mcast': '0',
'num-active': '4',
'num-bcast': '0',
'num-gtpc': '0',
'num-gtpu-active': '0',
'num-gtpu-pending': '0',
'num-http2-5gc': '0',
'num-icmp': '0',
'num-imsi': '0',
'num-installed': '1193',
'num-max': '819200',
'num-mcast': '0',
'num-pfcpc': '0',
'num-predict': '0',
'num-sctp-assoc': '0',
'num-sctp-sess': '0',
'num-tcp': '4',
'num-udp': '0',
'pps': '0',
'tcp-cong-ctrl': '3',
'tcp-reject-siw-thresh': '4',
'tmo-5gcdelete': '15',
'tmo-cp': '30',
'tmo-def': '30',
'tmo-icmp': '6',
'tmo-sctp': '3600',
'tmo-sctpcookie': '60',
'tmo-sctpinit': '5',
'tmo-sctpshutdown': '60',
'tmo-tcp': '3600',
'tmo-tcp-delayed-ack': '25',
'tmo-tcp-unverif-rst': '30',
'tmo-tcphalfclosed': '120',
'tmo-tcphandshake': '10',
'tmo-tcpinit': '5',
'tmo-tcptimewait': '15',
'tmo-udp': '30',
'vardata-rate': '10485760'


def get_tunnels() -> dict

Get information about the configured tunnels.

The actual API command run is show running tunnel flow all.


dict: Information about the configured tunnels. Sample output (with only one IPSec tunnel configured):

'GlobalProtect-Gateway': {},
'GlobalProtect-site-to-site': {},
'IPSec': {
'ipsec_tunnel': {
'gwid': '1',
'id': '1',
'inner-if': 'tunnel.1',
'localip': '',
'mon': 'off',
'name': 'ipsec_tunnel',
'outer-if': 'ethernet1/2',
'owner': '1',
'peerip': '',
'state': 'init'
'SSL-VPN': {},
'hop': {}


def get_latest_available_content_version() -> str

Get the latest, downloadable content version.

The actual API command run is request content upgrade check.

Values returned by API are not ordered. This method tries to reorder them and find the highest available Content DB version. The following assumptions are made:

  • versions are always increasing,
  • both components of the version string are numbers.


  • ContentDBVersionsFormatException: An exception is thrown when the Content DB version does not match the expected format.


str: The latest available content version.

Sample output


def get_content_db_version() -> str

Get the currently installed Content DB version.

The actual API command is show system info.


str: Current Content DB version.

Sample output


def get_ntp_servers() -> dict

Get the NTP synchronization configuration.

The actual API command is show ntp.

The actual return value of this method can differ depending on whether the NTP servers are configured or not:

  • no NTP servers configured:

    'synched': 'LOCAL'
  • NTP servers configured:

    'ntp-server-1': {
    'authentication-type': 'none',
    'name': '',
    'reachable': 'yes',
    'status': 'available'
    'ntp-server-2': {
    'authentication-type': 'none',
    'name': '',
    'reachable': 'yes',
    'status': 'synched'
    'synched': ''


dict: The NTP synchronization configuration.


def get_disk_utilization() -> dict

Get the disk utilization (in MB) and parse it to a machine readable format.

The actual API command is show system disk-space.


  • WrongDiskSizeFormatException: Raised when free text disk allocation information cannot be parsed.


dict: Disk free space in MBytes.

Sample output
'/': 2867
'/dev': 7065
'/opt/pancfg': 14336
'/opt/panrepo': 3276
'/dev/shm': 1433
'/cgroup': 7065
'/opt/panlogs': 20480
'/opt/pancfg/mgmt/ssl/private': 12


def get_available_image_data() -> dict

Get information on the available to download PanOS image versions.

The actual API command is request system software check.


  • UpdateServerConnectivityException: Raised when the update server is not reachable, can also mean that the device is not licensed.
  • PanXapiError: Re-raised when an exception is caught but does not match UpdateServerConnectivityException.


dict: Detailed information on available images.

Sample output
'11.0.1': {
'version': '11.0.1'
'filename': 'PanOS_vm-11.0.1'
'size': '492'
'size-kb': '504796'
'released-on': '2023/03/29 15:05:25'
'release-notes': ''
'downloaded': 'no'
'current': 'no'
'latest': 'yes'
'uploaded': 'no'
'11.0.0': {
'version': '11.0.0'
'filename': 'PanOS_vm-11.0.0'
'size': '1037'
'size-kb': '1062271'
'released-on': '2022/11/17 08:45:28'
'release-notes': ''
'downloaded': 'no'
'current': 'no'
'latest': 'no'
'uploaded': 'no'


def get_mp_clock() -> datetime

Get the clock information from management plane.

The actual API command is show clock.


datetime: The clock information represented as a datetime object.


def get_dp_clock() -> dict

Get the clock information from data plane.

The actual API command is show clock more.


datetime: The clock information represented as a datetime object.


def get_certificates() -> dict

Get information about certificates installed on a device.

This method retrieves every information that is available about a certificate except for the private-key. This limitation is here due to security measures.

The actual API command is show config running.


dict: Information about installed certificates, where key is the certificate name and value contains a dictionary of certificate properties.

Sample output
'acertificate': {
'algorithm': 'RSA',
'ca': 'no',
'common-name': 'cert',
'expiry-epoch': '1718699772',
'issuer': 'root',
'issuer-hash': '5198cade',
'not-valid-after': 'Jun 18 08:36:12 2024 GMT',
'not-valid-before': 'Jun 19 08:36:12 2023 GMT',
'public-key': '''-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
-----END CERTIFICATE-----''',
'subject': 'cert',
'subject-hash': '5ec67661'


def get_update_schedules() -> dict

Get schedules for all dynamic updates.

This method gets scheduled dynamic updates on a device. This includes the ones pushed from Panorama, but it does not include the ones configured via Panorama/Device Deployment/Dynamic Updates/Schedules.

The actual XMLAPI command run here is config/get with XPATH set to /config/devices/entry[@name='localhost.localdomain']/deviceconfig/system/update-schedule.


dict: All dynamic updates schedules, key is the entity type to update, like: threats, wildfire, etc.

Sample output, showing values coming from Panorama
{'@ptpl': 'lab',
'@src': 'tpl',
'anti-virus': {'@ptpl': 'lab',
'@src': 'tpl',
'recurring': {'@ptpl': 'lab',
'@src': 'tpl',
'hourly': {'@ptpl': 'lab',
'@src': 'tpl',
'action': {'`text`': 'download-and-install',
'@ptpl': 'lab',
'@src': 'tpl'},
'at': {'`text`': '0',
'@ptpl': 'lab',
'@src': 'tpl'}}}},
'global-protect-clientless-vpn': {'@ptpl': 'lab',
'@src': 'tpl',
'recurring': {'@ptpl': 'lab',
'@src': 'tpl',
'weekly': {'@ptpl': 'lab',
'@src': 'tpl',
'action': {'`text`': 'download-only',
'@ptpl': 'lab',
'@src': 'tpl'},
'at': {'`text`': '20:00',
'@ptpl': 'lab',
'@src': 'tpl'},
'day-of-week': {'`text`': 'wednesday',
'@ptpl': 'lab',
'@src': 'tpl'}}}}


def get_jobs() -> dict

Get details on all jobs.

This method retrieves all jobs and their details, this means running, pending, finished, etc.

The actual API command is show jobs all.


dict: All jobs found on the device, indexed by the ID of a job.

Sample output
{'1': {'description': None,
'details': {'line': ['ID population failed',
'Client logrcvr registered in the middle of a '
'commit/validate. Aborting current '
'Commit failed',
'Failed to commit policy to device']},
'positionInQ': '0',
'progress': '100',
'queued': 'NO',
'result': 'FAIL',
'status': 'FIN',
'stoppable': 'no',
'tdeq': '00:28:32',
'tenq': '2023/08/01 00:28:32',
'tfin': '2023/08/01 00:28:36',
'type': 'AutoCom',
'user': None,
'warnings': None},
'2': {'description': None,
'details': {'line': ['Configuration committed successfully',
'Successfully committed last configuration']},
'positionInQ': '0',
'progress': '100',
'queued': 'NO',
'result': 'OK',
'status': 'FIN',
'stoppable': 'no',
'tdeq': '00:28:40',
'tenq': '2023/08/01 00:28:40',
'tfin': '2023/08/01 00:29:20',
'type': 'AutoCom',
'user': None,
'warnings': None},
'3': {'description': None,
'details': None,
'positionInQ': '0',
'progress': '30',
'queued': 'NO',
'result': 'PEND',
'status': 'ACT',
'stoppable': 'yes',
'tdeq': '00:58:59',
'tenq': '2023/08/01 00:58:59',
'tfin': None,
'type': 'Downld',
'user': None,
'warnings': None}}


def get_user_id_service_status() -> dict

Get the status of the User ID agent service.

The user-id service is used to redistribute user-id information to other firewalls.

Returns the clients and agents known to this device.

dict: The state of the user-id agent. Only returns up or down.

Sample output
"status": "up"


def get_redistribution_status() -> dict

Get the status of the Data Redistribution service.

Redistribution is used to share data, such as user-id information, between PAN-OS firewalls or Agents.

Returns the clients and agents known to this device.

dict: The state of the redistribution service, and the associated clients, if available.

Sample output
'clients': [
'host': '', 'port': '34518', 'vsys': 'vsys1', 'version': '6', 'status': 'idle',
'redistribution': 'I'
'host': '', 'port': '34518', 'vsys': 'vsys1', 'version': '6', 'status': 'idle',
'redistribution': 'I'
'agents': [
'@name': 'FW3367',
'host': '',
'job-id': '0',
'last-heard-time': '1701651677',
'num_recv_msgs': '0',
'num_sent_msgs': '0',
'peer-address': '',
'port': '5007',
'state': 'conn:idle',
'status-msg': '-',
'version': '0x6',
'vsys': 'vsys1',
'vsys_hub': 'no'


def get_device_software_version()

Gets the current running device software version, as a packaging.version.Version object.

This allows you to do comparators between other Version objects easily. Note that this strips out information like 'xfr' but maintains the hotfix (i.e 9.1.12-h3 becaomes for the purpose of versioning).

Returns the software version as a packaging 'Version' object.

Version: Version(9.1.12)