Collect Device Vulnerability Scan report from Xsoar Server
To let Xsoar server report back the device vulnerability scan report
Query Parameters
The customer ID to which the API call is directed
The name of vendor that generated the device vulnerability scan report
The Mongo Id of the scan job that initiated by customer from IoT UI portal
The report Id generated from device scan vendor
The PDF file name generated from device scan vendor
The metadata file name generated from device scan vendor
The status of the initiated scan job
The message that can be passed from Xsoar server to IoT side
- multipart/form-data
The PDF file path
The metadata file path
- 200
- 4XX
- 5XX
Successful Response
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- xsoarReportUploadResponse
To indicate whether the report is received from Xsoar server side or not
To indicate whether the report is uploaded and parsed by IoT side or not
"received": "string",
"upload": "string"
"received": "yes",
"upload": "yes"
Client Error Response
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Bad Request
- Forbidden access
- Too many requests
"code": "string",
"msg": "string"
"code": 400,
"msg": "Bad Request. This occurs when an HTTP request contains an invalid query string."
"code": 403,
"msg": "Forbidden access. Either the provided API key is invalid or it does not have the required RBAC permissions to run this API."
"code": 429,
"msg": "Too many requests. The number of requests for device details for a single device exceeded the rate limit of 180 queries per minute per tenant."
Server Error Response
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- xsoarReportUploadResponse
"code": "string",
"msg": "string"
"code": 500,
"msg": "Internal server error. A unified status for API communication type errors."