📄️ Introduction
Please refer [IoT Public API Authentication](/iot/api/iot-public-api-headers) to know how to get API Key<br/>
📄️ IoT Public API Authentication
To ensure that only valid users can access the IoT Cloud database, all remote API calls must include an access key and key ID. This provides a safe and convenient way to integrate IoT Cloud data with your own automation.
📄️ Get Security Alerts
Get a list of security alerts. <br/> <b>Rate limiting</b>: 60 times per minute
📄️ Resolve a Security Alert
Resolve a security alert. <br/> <b>Rate limiting</b>: 60 times per minute
📄️ Get Alert or Vulnerability Capabilities
Listing the current IoT capabilities on alert and vulnerability
📄️ Bulk Device Updates - Aruba WLC
Update devices in your IoT Security inventory with device information that Cortex XSOAR retrieves from integrated Aruba WLAN controllers.
📄️ Bulk Device Updates - Cellular Devices
Bulk device updates for cellular devices
📄️ Bulk Device Updates - Cisco WLC
Update devices in your IoT Security inventory with device information that Cortex XSOAR retrieves from integrated Cisco WLAN controllers.
📄️ Create a custom attribute
Create a custom attribute.
📄️ Bulk Device Updates - Crowdstrike Falcon Devices
Bulk device updates for Crowdstrike Falcon devices
📄️ Bulk Device Updates - Custom Attribute
Update devices custom attributes values
📄️ Delete a custom attribute.
Delete a custom attribute.
📄️ Get Device Details per IP Address
Get a list of device details for the device with the specified IP address. <br/> <b>Rate limiting</b>: 60 times per minute
📄️ Get Device Details per MAC Address
Get a list of device details for the device with the specified MAC address or, for a static IP device, the device with the specified static IP address. <br/> <b>Rate limiting</b>: 60 times per minute
📄️ Get the Device Inventory
Get a list of all the devices in your IoT Security inventory. <br/> <b>Rate limiting</b>: 60 times per minute
📄️ Bulk Device Updates - Cisco DNAC and Prime
Update devices in your IoT Security inventory with select device information that Cortex XSOAR retrieves from an integrated Cisco DNA Center or Cisco Prime instance.
📄️ Get a list of custom attributes
Get a list of custom attributes.
📄️ Get a list of saved filters
Get a list of saved filters.
📄️ Bulk Subnet Updates - IPAM Infoblox
Bulk subnet updates from customer IPAM (infoblox)
📄️ Network Discovery Bulk Device Endpoint Updates
Bulk device endpoint updates for network discovery devices
📄️ Network Discovery Bulk Device Node Graph Updates
Bulk device node graph updates for network discovery devices
📄️ Network Discovery Bulk Device L2L3 Updates
Bulk device l2l3 updates for network discovery devices
📄️ Get Activated Policy Rule Recommendations
Fetch all activated policy rule recommendations or all the activated recommendations for one or more IoT device profiles.
📄️ Get Profile Mapping
Get a list of mappings of each device profile to a category and industry vertical. This list is for all device profiles that can appear in IoT Security, not just those in your environment. <br/> <b>Rate limiting</b>: 180 times per minute
📄️ retain the incoming list of rules while remove everything else.
remove invalid firewall security rules
📄️ Removing Manual Tag From The Devices
Removing manual tag from the devices.
📄️ Bulk Device Updates - SCCM Devices
Bulk device updates for sccm devices
📄️ Bulk Device Updates - SNMP
Update devices in your IoT Security inventory with device information that Cortex XSOAR retrieves from integrated switches through SNMP.
📄️ Adding Manual Tag to Devices
Adding manual tag to the devices.
📄️ Get a List of User-defined Tags
Get a list of user-defined tags assigned to IoT devices.
📄️ update device CVE from 3rd party integration and join with enxisting IoT device CVE records.
update device CVE from 3rd party integration
📄️ Update a custom attribute
Update a custom attribute.
📄️ update a list of firewall security rules.
update firewall secrity rules
📄️ Get Vulnerabilities
Get a list of vulnerability instances. <br/> <b>Rate limiting</b>: 60 times per minute
📄️ Resolve Vulnerabilty Instances
Mark one or more instances of a vulnerability as resolved. <br/> <b>Rate limiting</b>: 60 times per minute
📄️ Collect Profile ACL Sync Job Status
Receive the Profile ACL sync status from Xsoar server
📄️ Collect 3rd party scanner details from Xsoar Server
Collect 3rd party scanner details from Xsoar Server
📄️ Collect Device Vulnerability Scan report from Xsoar Server
To let Xsoar server report back the device vulnerability scan report
📄️ IoT uses a heartbeat to track xsoar instance health
xsoar instance send a heartbeat to IoT.
📄️ Get a list of active integrations
To get a list of active integrations (status = success). If third-party license is basic, only three integrations are allowed, otherwise there is no limitation
📄️ sync xsoar integration playbook status to IoT
sync xsoar integration playbook status