Migration Workflow
In this section we present a workflow example to migrate a third party vendor configuration into a PAN-OS configuration. In the Expedition API script container, the sample migration jupyter notebooks are stored in /migration folder.
Below flowchart demo the workflow and the related API calls in each of the steps:
Step 1. Obtain the API Keys
Refer to Obtaining the API Keys section to obtain a valid API key stored in the hed
Step 2. Create an Expedition project
In the large amount of automation cases, we will require having an Expedition project. Making a POST call to the project route, we can create a project with a desired name.
By default, the creator of a project is as well one of the project administrators.
Notice that this time we attach the credentials hed
in the CURL headers to present our credentials and verify we have permission to create a project.
API syntax for creating a new project:
Method | EndPoint | Parameters |
POST | https://localhost/api/v1/project | in url { "project":Name of the project, "description":Description of the project } |
example | https://localhost/api/v1/project | {"project":"MyLittleProject", "description":"A migration project"} |
- Python
- Php
print("*****Create a new Expedition Project*****\n")
projectName = "vendormigration"
print(" \n")
data = {"name": projectName}
r = requests.post(
"https://" + ip + "/api/v1/project", data=data, verify=False, headers=hed
response = r.json()
success = json.dumps(response["success"])
if success == "true":
print("New project created successfully" + " \n")
projectId = json.dumps(response['data']['id'])
print("Your project-ID is", str(projectId) + " \n")
echo "\n";
$data = ["project"=> $projectName];
$url = 'https://'.$ip.'/api/v1/project';
$curl = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,$hed);
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$jsonResponse = json_decode($response);
$success = $jsonResponse->Contents->success;
if ($success=='true'){
$projectId = $jsonResponse->Contents->response->data->content->id;
echo "\n";
Step 3. Create a new migration in the project
This step will create a new migration in the project. In the request body parameters, you will need to specify projectID from previous step , and the PAN-OS device type you want to merge the source file with. There are two options:
1. panorama
2. firewall
The API response will contain migration_id and device_id. Those IDs will be used in the subsequent API calls throughout the workflow.
API syntax for the step:
Method | EndPoint | Parameters |
POST | https://localhost/api/v1/project/{project_id}/migration | in url "project_id":"ProjectId" in_body {"device_type":"panorama or firewall" } |
example | https://localhost/api/v1/project/22/migration | {"device_type":"panorama"} |
- Python
print("*****Create a new migration in the project*****\n")
url = "https://localhost/api/v1/project/{0}/migration".format(int(projectId))
data = {"name": "my first migration","device_type": "panorama"}
r = requests.post(url, data=data, verify=False, headers=hed)
response = r.json()
migrationId = json.dumps(response["data"]["id"])
deviceId = json.dumps(response["data"]["device_id"][0])
Step 4. Upload the 3rd party vendor (source) configuration to migration
The migration process would require to upload one of more configuration files to be migrated. A minimum one would be the original vendor configuration file. In below example, we use a sample config called "ciscoasa.txt" stored in the user's local drive path "/Users/username/Downloads/ciscoasa.txt"
API syntax for the step:
Method | EndPoint | Parameters |
POST | https://localhost/api/v1/project/{project_id}/migration/{migration_id}/upload/{vendorname} | in url "project_id":"projectId" "migration_id":"migrationId" "vendorname":"vendorname" in_body {"name":"configname","config":"configfile" } |
example | https://localhost/api/v1/project/22/migration/25/cisco_asa | {"name":"cisco","config":cisco_config} |
Available vendorname parameter can be used in the path are below:
checkpoint (For checkpoint config < v. R80)
checkpoint_r80 (For checkpoint config >= v. R80)
sonicwall (Require Panser container )
- Python
print("*****Upload CISCO config to migration*****\n")
url = "https://localhost/api/v1/project/"+projectId+"/migration/"+migrationId+"/upload/cisco_asa"
file = '/Users/username/Downloads/ciscoasa.txt'
cisco_config = open(file, "rb")
files = {"config": cisco_config}
data = {"name": "cisco"}
r = requests.post(url, data=data, verify=False, files=files, headers=hed)
response = r.json()
Step 5. Discovery the configuration if there are multiple policies in the vendor configuration (Optional)
This step is optional for some vendor configuration required discovery and mapping , for example: checkpoint R77, stonesoft configuration. The successfully response will contain a job_id for you to track the status , please refer to the checking job status Checking Job Status section
API syntax for discovery 3rd party vendors' configurations:
Method | URL | Parameters |
POST | https://localhost/api/v1/project/{project_id}/migration/{migration_Id}/resource/{resource_Id}/discover | in url "project_id":projectId "migration_id":migrationId "resource_id":resourceId |
example | https://localhost/api/v1/project/22/migration/25/resource/35/discovery | in url "project_Id": 22, "migration_id": 25, "resource_id": 35 |
- Python
print("*****Discovery 3rd party configuration*****\n")
url="https://localhost/api/v1/project/"+ str(ProjectId) + "/migration/"+ str(MigrationID)+ "/resource/"+ str(ResourceID) + "/discover"
r = requests.post(url,data=data,verify=False, headers=hed)
response = r.json()
if success == "true":
jobId = json.dumps(response['data']['job_id'])
print("Job id: "+jobId)
print("***** Wait for job to finish *****")
wait_for_job(EXPEDITION_URL+"job/" + jobId + "?complete=true", jobId, hed)
r = requests.get(url, data=data, verify=False, headers=hed)
response = r.json()
print("Discover response: ")
policy =json.dumps(response['data']['policy'])
policyname = json.loads(policy)
for i in range(len(policyname)):
globals()['policy{}'.format(i+1)]= policyname[i]
for i in range(len(policyname)):
MAPPING_ROUTE = route.replace("", '' )
print("Unable to discover the configuration")
Step 6. Config mapping to map policy and route(optional)
This step is optional for some vendor configuration required policy mapping , for example: checkpoint R77, stonesoft configuration. The successfully response will contain a job_id for you to track the status , please refer to the checking job status Checking Job Status section
API syntax for mapping 3rd party vendors' configurations:
Method | URL | Parameters |
POST | https://localhost/api/v1/project/{project_id}/migration/{migration_Id}/resource/{resource_Id}/map | in url "project_id":projectId "migration_id":migrationId "resource_id":resourceId |
example | https://localhost/api/v1/project/22/migration/25/resource/35/map | in url "project_Id": 22, "migration_id": 25, "resource_id": 35 |
- Python
url = "https://localhost/api/v1/project/" + "project/" + str(ProjectId) + "/migration/"+ str(MigrationID)+ "/resource/"+ str(ResourceID) + "/map"
mapping_list =[]
for i in range(len(policyname)):
"policy": globals()['policy{}'.format(i+1)],
mapping = {"mapping": mapping_list}
data = json.dumps(mapping, indent=4)
r = requests.post(url, data=data, verify=False, headers=hed)
response = r.json()
success = json.dumps(response["success"])
if success == "true":
print("New migration mapping created successfully" + " \n")
r = requests.get(url, verify=False, headers=hed)
print("Unable to create the migration mapping")
Step 7. Convert the 3rd party configuration to a PAN-OS configuration
This step will convert the 3rd party configuration that you uploaded from previous step to a PAN-OS config. The successfully response will contain a job_id for you to track the status , please refer to the checking job status Checking Job Status section
API syntax for Converting 3rd party vendors' configurations:
Method | URL | Parameters |
POST | https://localhost/api/v1/project/{project_id}/migration/{migration_Id}/convert | in url "project_id":projectId "migration_id":migrationId |
example | https://localhost/api/v1/project/22/migration/25/convert | in url "project_Id": 22, "migration_id": 25 |
- Python
print("*****Converting the 3rd party vendor config to a PAN-OS config*****\n")
url = "https://localhost/api/v1/project/"+projectId+"/migration/"+migrationId+"/convert"
r = requests.post(url, data=data, verify=False, files=files, headers=hed)
response = r.json()
print("CHECK migration status...........")
jobId = json.dumps(response["data"]["job_id"])
Step 8. Import the Converted Configuration into project
Once the conversion has done, we can import the resulting XML config file into an existing project for later configuration manipulations, such as delete unused objects, rename zones, etc.
The API syntax for Importing the converted PAN-OS Configuration into the project:
Method | EndPoint | Parameters |
POST | https://localhost/api/v1/project/{project_id}/import/device | in url "project": "projectID" in body { "device_id": "deviceId" } |
example | https://localhost/api/v1/project/22/import/device | in url project=22 in body { "device_id": "23" } |
- Python
print("*****Import Configuration to project*****")
url = "https://localhost/api/v1/project/{0}/import/device".format(int(projectId))
data = {"device_id": deviceId}
r = requests.post(url, data=data, verify=False, headers=hed)
response = r.json()
jobId = json.dumps(response["data"]["job_id"])
print("CHECK configuration upload status...........")