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Products Include

When you need to build partial content, use the PRODUCTS_INCLUDE environment variable to define which product folders you want to include.


Some products have sidebars.ts that reference docs across product folders. This effectively makes those products "co-dependent" since sidebar definitions require all doc references to exist.

Local Previews

Prisma SASE:

Start local development server
yarn start:sase

Network Security:

Start local development server
yarn start:netsec

Alternatively, you can run the partial build commands yourself:

Start local development server
PRODUCTS_INCLUDE=sase,access,sdwan yarn start
Production build
PRODUCTS_INCLUDE=sase,access,sdwan yarn build

Deploy/Build Previews

There might be situations where you would want to use PRODUCTS_INCLUDE to speed up the GitHub deploy preview process. Since you won't have access to export environment variables before the GitHub Action starts, we've adapted a way for you to map PRODUCTS_INCLUDE to Pull Request labels.

When opening your Pull Request, simply select the label corresponding to the set of products you wish to include in the deploy/build preview. For example, if you're working on SASE docs, choose the "sase" label. If you're working on Network Security content, choose the "netsec" label.


Although it's possible to combine labels, doing so would effectively negate the time savings.


Today, is home to thousands of docs which can lead to delayed development and production builds. This results in contributors having to wait longer for a local dev server to start or for their deploy preview to build. Thankfully, there is a way to mitigate against long build times using a technique we refer to as "selective" or "partial" builds.

Currently, all docs are located inside their respective product folder:

Product folders as of 11/4/2022
├── access
├── ansible
├── cdl
├── cdss
├── cloudngfw
├── contributing
├── dns-security
├── expedition
├── iot
├── panos
├── sase
├── sdwan
├── terraform
└── threat-vault

By default, Docusaurus is configured to (recursively) process any *.md or *.mdx files inside the products folder(s). However, under most circumstances, contributors will likely be working on content for a single product or subset of products at a time. In those cases, why build the entire site if you don't have to?