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Automatically Generated Pages

Automatically Generated Pages

Some content in is generated elsewhere, not in the repository directly. This is important to know, because any changes made directly to the files located in the repository for this content could be overwritten and lost. Instances of content generated elsewhere are listed below with further details of the original content source.

Software Firewall (SWFW) Terraform Documentation

The pages linked from the Orchestration Hub which describe References Architectures, Examples and Modules for Terraform are automatically copied from their source repository, using a sync system. These pages are viewable on at{{cloud-id}}}}/vmseries/{{type}}/, where cloud-id is currently aws, azure or gcp, and type is currently reference-architectures, examples or modules.

Changes required to these pages should be made in the source repositories. These are currently:

Any changes made to the files in the examples or modules directories of the repositories above will be copied to the repository in a cloud-specific PR and branch, when a release is performed in the source repository. The changes can then be reviewed and merged using the usual process for content.