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import Link from "@docusaurus/Link"; import clsx from "clsx";

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Edit a Doc


The following instructions are for using to edit an existing doc. You may optionally edit an existing doc using your preferred IDE or text editor.

  1. Select the <a style={{pointerEvents: "none"}} href="#" className="theme-edit-this-page">Edit this page link at the bottom of the doc you want to edit.
  2. Click the edit button (pencil icon). If prompted, choose "Fork this repo and edit this file".
  3. Make edits in UI.
  4. Add a title and comment to the commit at the bottom of the page.
  5. Click "Propose Changes".
  6. Click "Create Pull Request" (this will automatically generate a live preview of your changes).
  7. Wait for someone to review and merge your changes.