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Version: 34.00.137

Prisma Cloud Compute API

How to evaluate <CONSOLE>

All the example API commands in these documents specify a <CONSOLE> variable, which represents the address for Console. The Console address will depend on how Console was installed.

For SaaS Installations

To find your <CONSOLE> path for a SaaS environment:

  1. Log into Console.
  2. Navigate to Compute > Manage > System > Downloads.
  3. You can find your <CONSOLE> path listed under Path to Console. Click Copy to quickly copy the path to your clipboard.

For Self-hosted Installations

For self-hosted environments, the Prisma Cloud Compute API is exposed on port 8083 (HTTPS). This port is specified at install time in twistlock.cfg.

  • (Default) Kubernetes installations: Console service is exposed by a LoadBalancer.

    The value for <CONSOLE> is the LoadBalancer followed by port 8083:

  • Onebox installations: Console installed on a stand-alone host.

    The value for <CONSOLE> is the IP address or DNS name of the host followed by port 8083:


Using the curl example commands

The cURL example for each endpoint is called with a username (-u <USER>) only. The cURL can be modified to use any of the following:

  • Authentication Token: Use the -H option to pass the authentication token from the /api/v1/authenticate endpoint into the request header.

For example, replace <ACCESS_TOKEN> with the token from the /api/v1/authenticate endpoint.

$ curl -k \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
  • Username and Password: Use the -u and -p options to include the username and password, eliminating the need to enter a password in a secondary step.

For example, replace <USER> with the username string and <PASSWORD> with the password string.

$ curl -k \
-u <USER> \
  • Username Only: This will require the user's password to be entered as a secondary step.

For example, replace <USER> with the username string.

$ curl -k \
-u <USER> \

Note: This is a more secure method than including the -p option since your terminal history won't contain the password.

API restrictions

Paginated API requests are capped to a max of 50 returned objects because very large responses could DoS Console.

If the response contains more than 50 objects, cycle through the collection with the offset query parameter to retrieve more objects. For example:

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