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Download Impacted Resources Vulnerability (CVE) Stats



x-prisma-cloud-target-env: {"permission":"monitorVuln"}

Downloads a list of impacted resources for a specific vulnerability in a CSV format. This endpoint returns a list of all deployed images, registry images, hosts, and serverless functions affected by a given CVE.

You can use filters such as cvssThreshold, severityThreshold, or collections as query parameters to get desired results.

Consider the following observations:

  • You cannot use new filters such as severityThreshold and cvssThreshold with the collections filter or when you're assigned with specific collections or accounts.
  • cvssThresold: Retrieves a list of vulnerabilities (CVEs) that matches the specified value of CVSS score or higher.
  • severityThreshold: Retrieves a list of vulnerabilities (CVEs) that matches the specified value of the severity threshold or higher.
  • collections: Retrieves a list of vulnerabilities (CVEs) that matches the specified collection name.

cURL Request

Refer to the following example cURL command that downloads a list of impacted resources for CVE-2015-0313 in a CSV format:

$ curl -k \
-u <USER> \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X GET \
-o <FILE NAME> \

