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Download Trust Audit Events



x-prisma-cloud-target-env: {"permission":"monitorImages"}

Returns the trust audit events data in CSV format.

cURL Request

Refer to the following example cURL command:

$ curl -k \
-u <USER> \
-H 'Content-Type: text/csv' \
-X GET \
-o <trust_audits.csv> \


Query Parameters

    offset integer

    Offsets the result to a specific report count. Offset starts from 0.

    limit integer

    Limit is the amount to fix.

    sort string

    Sorts the result using a key.

    reverse boolean

    Sorts the result in reverse order.

    from date-time

    From is an optional minimum time constraints for the audit.

    to date-time

    To is an optional maximum time constraints for the audit.

    ruleName string[]

    RuleNames is used to filter by rulename.

    effect string[]

    Effect is used to filter by runtime audit effect (block/alert).

    _id string[]

    IDs is used to filter by registry/repo.


