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Add Trusted Certificate Settings



x-prisma-cloud-target-env: {"permission":"authConfiguration"}

Enables or disables the telemetry feature.

For more information, see telemetry article.

cURL Request

Refer to the following example cURL request that uses basic auth to turn off telemetry:

$ curl -k \
-u <USER> \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"enabled":false}' \



    certs object[]

    Certs are the list of trusted certificates to use in access scenarios.

  • Array [
  • cn string

    CN is the certificate common name.

    issuer string

    Issuer is the certificate issuer.

    notAfter1 date-time

    NotAfter is the certificate expiration time Remark: the 1 suffix required for backward compatibility (previous values were strings and cannot be serialized).

    notBefore1 date-time

    NotBefore is the minimum time for which the cert is valid Remark: the 1 suffix required for backward compatibility (previous values were strings and cannot be serialized).

    raw string

    Raw is the raw certificate (in PEM format).

  • ]
  • checkRevocation boolean

    CheckRevocation indicates whether to check the certificate revocation.

    enabled boolean

    Enabled indicates whether the trusted certificate feature is enabled.


