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Get Event Stats



x-prisma-cloud-target-env: {"permission":"systemOperations"}

Returns the license stats including the credit per defender.


LicenseStats holds the console license stats

    avg double

    Avg is the average number of credits.

    containerDefenders integer

    ContainerDefenders is the total number of container defenders.

    dailySamplesDefenders double[]

    DailySamplesDefenders holds the last 30 daily credits averages.

    exceeded boolean

    Exceeded indicates the number of credits exceeded license.

    hostDefenders integer

    HostDefenders is the total number of host defenders.

    hourAvg double

    HourAvg is the average number of credits per hour.

    hourSamples double

    HourSamples is the number of hourly samples collected.

    monthlyUsage object[]

    MonthlyUsage holds the last 24 monthly usage averages.

  • Array [
  • appEmbedded object

    DefenderUsage holds the number of defenders and the credits used for a specific defender type

    creditCount double

    CreditCount is credits that was used for this defender type.

    defendersCount double

    DefendersCount is the number of defenders that was used for this defender type.

    container object

    DefenderUsage holds the number of defenders and the credits used for a specific defender type

    creditCount double

    CreditCount is credits that was used for this defender type.

    defendersCount double

    DefendersCount is the number of defenders that was used for this defender type.

    containerAgentless object

    DefenderUsage holds the number of defenders and the credits used for a specific defender type

    creditCount double

    CreditCount is credits that was used for this defender type.

    defendersCount double

    DefendersCount is the number of defenders that was used for this defender type.

    host object

    DefenderUsage holds the number of defenders and the credits used for a specific defender type

    creditCount double

    CreditCount is credits that was used for this defender type.

    defendersCount double

    DefendersCount is the number of defenders that was used for this defender type.

    hostAgentless object

    DefenderUsage holds the number of defenders and the credits used for a specific defender type

    creditCount double

    CreditCount is credits that was used for this defender type.

    defendersCount double

    DefendersCount is the number of defenders that was used for this defender type.

    period date-time

    Period is the date beginning of the usage period.

    remainingCredits integer

    RemainingCredits is the amount of credits left at the beginning of the period.

    serverless object

    ServerlessUsage holds the number of defenders, invocations and credits used for serverless defenders

    creditCount double

    CreditCount is credits that was used for this defender type.

    defendersCount double

    DefendersCount is the number of defenders that was used for this defender type.

    protectedFunctions double

    ProtectedFunctions is the number of serverless functions that have a defender installed.

    scannedFunctions double

    ScannedFunctions is the number functions being scanned for vulnerabilities and compliance issues without a defender installed.

    waas object

    DefenderUsage holds the number of defenders and the credits used for a specific defender type

    creditCount double

    CreditCount is credits that was used for this defender type.

    defendersCount double

    DefendersCount is the number of defenders that was used for this defender type.

    waasOutOfBand object

    DefenderUsage holds the number of defenders and the credits used for a specific defender type

    creditCount double

    CreditCount is credits that was used for this defender type.

    defendersCount double

    DefendersCount is the number of defenders that was used for this defender type.

  • ]
  • msg string

    Msg is the license exceeded error/warning message to show.

    onDemandCredits integer

    OnDemandCredits is the number of on demand credits used during the current contract.

    protectedFunctions double

    ProtectedFunctions is the number of serverless functions that have a defender installed.

    scannedFunctions double

    ScannedFunctions is the number functions being scanned for vulnerabilities and compliance issues without a defender installed.

    serverlessTimestamp date-time

    ServerlessTimestamp is the timestamp for the last serverless credit calculation.

    timestamp date-time

    Timestamp is the last collection timestamp.

    totalCreditUsage integer

    TotalCreditUsage is the total amount of credits used from the beginning of the current contract.
