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Get Dashboard Stats



x-prisma-cloud-target-env: {"permission":"monitorVuln"}

Returns statistics about the resources protected by Prisma Cloud Compute, including the total number of runtime audits, image vulnerabilities, and compliance violations.

cURL Request

Refer to the following example cURL command that retrieves dashboard stats:

$ curl -k \
-u <USER> \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X GET \


Trends contains data on global trends in the system

    complianceTrend object[]

    ComplianceTrend represents the compliance trend.

  • Array [
  • _id string

    Date holds the date the data was collected.

    distribution object

    Distribution counts the number of vulnerabilities per type

    critical integer


    high integer


    low integer


    medium integer


    total integer


    modified date-time

    Modified is the time the data was modified.

  • ]
  • defendersSummary object

    DefendersSummary represents the defenders count of each category.

    property name* int (integer)
    vulnerabilitySummary object

    VulnerabilitySummary represents the stats of each impacted entity

    containers object

    Distribution counts the number of vulnerabilities per type

    critical integer


    high integer


    low integer


    medium integer


    total integer


    functions object

    Distribution counts the number of vulnerabilities per type

    critical integer


    high integer


    low integer


    medium integer


    total integer


    hosts object

    Distribution counts the number of vulnerabilities per type

    critical integer


    high integer


    low integer


    medium integer


    total integer


    images object

    Distribution counts the number of vulnerabilities per type

    critical integer


    high integer


    low integer


    medium integer


    total integer


    registryImages object

    Distribution counts the number of vulnerabilities per type

    critical integer


    high integer


    low integer


    medium integer


    total integer

