Scan reports for images in your registry.
📄️ Registry Webhook
RegistryWebhook listen to registry updates
📄️ Registry Webhook
RegistryWebhook listen to registry updates
📄️ Get Registry Scan Results
Retrieves registry image scan reports.
📄️ Download Registry Scan Results
Downloads registry image scan reports in CSV format.
📄️ Get Registry Image Names
Retrieves a list of image names from current scanned registry images. The base `/api/v1/registry` endpoint takes repositories listed in this response as the `names` query.
📄️ View Registry Scan Progress
Shows the progress of an ongoing regular or on-demand registry scan.
📄️ Start a Registry Scan
Triggers a new scan for all images when a new image is added to the registry or a new scan for an individual image.
📄️ Scan Registries
ScanRegistries sends a registry scan request to all registry scanner defenders
📄️ Stop a Registry Scan
Stops current registry scan immediately.