Image scan reports.
Note that the compliance issues in an image might be different (fewer) than those in a running instance of the image (a container).
📄️ Get Image Scan Results
Retrieves image scan reports.
📄️ Download Image Scan Results
Downloads image scan reports in CSV format.
📄️ Resolve Images
ResolveImages adds vulnerability data for the given images
📄️ Get Image Names
Returns an array of strings containing image names.
📄️ Start Image Scan
Re-scan all images immediately. This endpoint returns the time that the scans were initiated.
📄️ Download App-Embedded Defender
DownloadAppEmbeddedDefender generates the embedded defender bundle and serves it to the user
📄️ Download Serverless Layer Bundle
DownloadServerlessLayerBundle returns a ZIP file with a Lambda layer containing the Defender runtime