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Update File Blocking Action



Update the file blocking profile to a specified rulestack.


Path Parameters

    rulestackname stringrequired

    The name of the rulestack.

    type stringrequired

    The type of file blocking action.


    Action Action (string)required

    Possible values: [alert, block]

    File blocking action.

    AuditComment Auditcomment (string)

    Audit remarks.

    Description Description (string)

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    A description of the file blocking action.

    Direction Direction (string)required

    Possible values: [upload, download, both]

    Traffic direction.

    UpdateToken Updatetoken (string)

    Refresh the token.



    Response object

    The API call response.

    FileBlockingEntry object

    The file blocking action entry.

    Action Action (string)

    Possible values: [alert, block, continue]

    Default value: alert

    File blocking action.

    AuditComment Auditcomment (string)

    Audit remarks.

    Description Description (string)

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    A description of the file blocking action.

    Direction Direction (string)

    Possible values: [upload, download, both]

    Default value: both

    Traffic direction.

    UpdateToken Updatetoken (string)

    Default value: 1

    Refresh the token.

    FileType Filetype (string)

    Blocked file type.

    RuleStackName Rulestackname (string)

    Name of the rulestack.

    ResponseStatus object

    The API call response status.

    ErrorCode Errorcode (integer)

    Default value: 0

    Default value of a successful response is 0. Any other number indicates an error code.

    400—HTTP bad request

    • InvalidRequestException—Operation failed due to invalid request. For example, unsupported parameter name or value in the request.
    • LimitExceededException—Operation failed due to violation in limit settings.
    • ThrottlingException—Operation failed due to throttling limitations.
    • AccessDeniedException—You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.

    500—Bad request

    • InternalServerError—Your request is valid but Cloud NGFW could not perform the operation due to a system issue.
    • InsufficientCapacityException—AWS currently does not have enough capacity to fulfill your request.
    Reason Reason (string)

    The error description.
