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Update A Firewall Resource Subnet Mappings



Update the subnet ID associated with a NGFW.


Path Parameters

    ngfirewallname stringrequired

    The name of the NGFW.


    AccountId Accountid (string)

    The unique ID of the account.

    AssociateSubnetMappings object[]

    Associate the subnets to NGFW.

  • Array [
  • AvailabilityZone Availabilityzone (string)

    The data center in a region available for use by the AWS customer.

    SubnetId Subnetid (string)

    The unique ID of the subnet in your VPC.

  • ]
  • DisassociateSubnetMappings object[]

    Disassociate the subnet from NGFW.

  • Array [
  • AvailabilityZone Availabilityzone (string)

    The data center in a region available for use by the AWS customer.

    SubnetId Subnetid (string)

    The unique ID of the subnet in your VPC.

  • ]
  • UpdateToken Updatetoken (string)

    Refresh token.



    Response object

    The API call response.

    AccountId Accountid (string)

    The unique ID of the account.

    FirewallName Firewallname (string)

    Name of the NGFW, unique in a region for each customer.

    SubnetMappings object[]

    The public subnets for your NGFW. Each subnet must belong to a different Availability Zone in the VPC. NGFW creates a firewall endpoint in each subnet.

    UpdateToken Updatetoken (string)

    Refresh token.

    ResponseStatus object

    The API call response status.

    ErrorCode Errorcode (integer)

    Default value: 0

    Default value of a successful response is 0. Any other number indicates an error code.

    400—HTTP bad request

    • InvalidRequestException—Operation failed due to invalid request. For example, unsupported parameter name or value in the request.
    • ResourceNotFoundException—Unable to locate a resource using the parameters you provided.
    • ThrottlingException—Operation failed due to throttling limitations.

    500—Bad request

    • InternalServerError—Your request is valid but Cloud NGFW could not perform the operation due to a system issue.
    Reason Reason (string)

    The error description.
