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Create A Firewall Resource



Create an NGFW and define configuration settings. The settings that you define at creation include NGFW policy, subnets in your VPC, and tags associated with the NGFW resource.



    AccountId Accountid (string)

    The unique ID of the account.

    Description Description (string)

    Possible values: <= 512 characters, Value must match regular expression ^.*$

    Description of the NGFW.

    EndpointMode Endpointmode (string)required

    Possible values: [ServiceManaged, CustomerManaged]

    The management mode used to create endpoints automatically or manually.

    FirewallName Firewallname (string)required

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 128 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$

    Name of the NGFW, unique in a region for each customer.

    GlobalRuleStackName Globalrulestackname (string)

    Name of the global rulestack.

    RuleStackName Rulestackname (string)

    Name of the local rulestack.

    SubnetMappings object[]required

    The public subnets for your NGFW. Each subnet must belong to a different Availability Zone in the VPC. NGFW creates an NGFW endpoint in each subnet.

  • Array [
  • AvailabilityZone Availabilityzone (string)

    The data center in a region available for use by the AWS customer.

    SubnetId Subnetid (string)

    The unique ID of the subnet in your VPC.

  • ]
  • Tags object[]

    Possible values: <= 50

    The key:value pairs to associate with a resource.

  • Array [
  • Key Key (string)required

    A unique identifier in the key-value pair. The constant that defines the data set. .

    Value Value (string)required

    The variable that belongs to the data set.

  • ]
  • VpcId Vpcid (string)required

    The unique identifier of the VPCs that you want NGFW to retrieve. Leave this blank to retrieve all VPCs.



    Response object

    The API call response.

    AccountId Accountid (string)

    The unique ID of the account.

    AppIdVersion Appidversion (string)

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 64 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]+-[0-9]+$

    The App-ID version of the specified application.

    AutomaticUpgradeAppIdVersion Automaticupgradeappidversion (boolean)

    Default value: true

    Specify whether to automatically upgrade to the latest App-ID version.

    Description Description (string)

    Description of the NGFW.

    EndpointMode Endpointmode (string)required

    Possible values: [ServiceManaged, CustomerManaged]

    The management mode used to create endpoints automatically or manually.

    FirewallName Firewallname (string)required

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 128 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$

    Name of the NGFW, unique in a region for each customer.

    GlobalRuleStackName Globalrulestackname (string)

    Name of the global rulestack.

    RuleStackName Rulestackname (string)

    Name of the local rulestack.

    SubnetMappings object[]required

    The public subnets for your NGFW. Each subnet must belong to a different Availability Zone (AZ) in the VPC. NGFW creates an NGFW endpoint in each subnet.

    Tags object[]

    The key:value pairs to associate with a resource.

    UpdateToken Updatetoken (string)

    Default value: 1

    Refresh token.

    VpcId Vpcid (string)required

    The unique identifier of the VPCs that you want NGFW to retrieve. Leave this blank to retrieve all VPCs.

    ResponseStatus object

    The API call response status.

    ErrorCode Errorcode (integer)

    Default value: 0

    Default value of a successful response is 0. Any other number indicates an error code.

    400—HTTP bad request

    • InvalidOperationException—Operation failed because it is not valid. For example, when you delete an NGFW or rulestack in use.
    • InvalidRequestException—Operation failed due to invalid request. For example, unsupported parameter name or value in the request.
    • LimitExceededException—Operation failed due to violation in limit settings.
    • ThrottlingException—Operation failed due to throttling limitations.

    500—Bad request

    • InsufficientCapacityException—AWS currently does not have enough capacity to fulfill your request.
    • InternalServerError—Your request is valid but Cloud NGFW could not perform the operation due to a system issue.
    Reason Reason (string)

    The error description.
