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List FQDNLists



Retrieve the information about the FDQN lists for the specified rulestack.


Query Parameters

    nexttoken Nexttoken

    If the number of FQDNs available for retrieval exceeds the maximum you requested, NGFW returns a NextToken value in response. To retrieve the next batch of FQDN list, use this token in your next request.

    candidate Candidate

    Default value: true

    FQDN candidate.

    running Running

    FQDNs in run state.

    uncommitted Uncommitted

    Uncommitted FQDN lists.

    maxresults Maxresults

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 1024

    Default value: 1024

    The maximum number of FQDNs that you want NGFW to return for this request.

    describe Describe

    Retrieve FQDN information.



    Response object
    FqdnListCandidate string[]

    FQDN list candidate.

    FqdnListRunning string[]

    FQDN lists on run state.

    FqdnListUncommitted object[]

    Uncommitted FQDN lists.

  • Array [
  • Name Name (string)required

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 128 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$

    Name of the FQDN list.

    operation Operation (string)required

    FQDN list operation.

  • ]
  • NextToken Nexttoken (string)

    If the number of FQDN lists available for retrieval exceeds the maximum you requested, NGFW returns a NextToken value in response. To retrieve the next batch of FQDN list, use this token in your next request.

    RuleStackName Rulestackname (string)

    Name of the rulestack.

    ResponseStatus object
    ErrorCode Errorcode (integer)

    Default value: 0

    Default value of a successful response is 0. Any other number indicates an error code.

    400—HTTP bad request

    • InvalidRequestException—Operation failed due to invalid request. For example, unsupported parameter name or value in the request.
    • ResourceNotFoundException—Unable to locate a resource using the parameters you provided.
    • ThrottlingException—Operation failed due to throttling limitations.

    500—Bad request

    • InternalServerError—Your request is valid but Cloud NGFW could not perform the operation due to a system issue.
    Reason Reason (string)

    The error description.
