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Describe a CertificateObject



Returns the certificate object metadata associated with the specified rulestack.


Path Parameters

    rulestackname stringrequired

    The name of the rulestack.

    name stringrequired

    The name of the certificate.


    Candidate Candidate (boolean)

    Default value: true

    MaxResults Maxresults (integer)

    Possible values: > 0 and < 101

    Default value: 100

    NextToken Nexttoken (string)

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 2048 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[-0-9A-Za-z:\/+=]+$

    Running Running (boolean)



    Response object

    The API call response.

    CertificateObjectCandidate object

    The certificate object candidate.

    AuditComment Auditcomment (string)

    Audit remarks.

    CertificateSelfSigned Certificateselfsigned (boolean)

    A self-signed root CA certificate.

    CertificateSignerArn Certificatesignerarn (string)

    Certificate signer ARN.

    Description Description (string)

    A description of certificate object.

    UpdateToken Updatetoken (string)

    Refresh token.

    CertificateObjectRunning object

    The certificate objects on run state.

    AuditComment Auditcomment (string)

    Audit remarks.

    CertificateSelfSigned Certificateselfsigned (boolean)

    A self-signed root CA certificate.

    CertificateSignerArn Certificatesignerarn (string)

    Certificate signer ARN.

    Description Description (string)

    A description of certificate object.

    UpdateToken Updatetoken (string)

    Refresh token.

    Name Name (string)

    Name of the certificate object entry.

    RuleStackName Rulestackname (string)

    Name of the rulestack.

    ResponseStatus object

    The API call response status.

    ErrorCode Errorcode (integer)

    Default value: 0

    Default value of a successful response is 0. Any other number indicates an error code.

    400—HTTP bad request

    • InvalidRequestException—Operation failed due to invalid request. For example, unsupported parameter name or value in the request.
    • LimitExceededException—Operation failed due to violation in limit settings.
    • ThrottlingException—Operation failed due to throttling limitations.
    • AccessDeniedException—You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.

    500—Bad request

    • InternalServerError—Your request is valid but Cloud NGFW could not perform the operation due to a system issue.
    • InsufficientCapacityException—AWS currently does not have enough capacity to fulfill your request.
    Reason Reason (string)

    The error description.
