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Create an email profile



Create an email profile object to send logs to an email address.



    destination objectrequired

    Profile name and email recipient information.

    bcc string[]

    Additional addresses to receive the emails. Max of 10.

    displayName stringrequired

    Name of the profile.

    subject stringrequired

    Subject to appear in the emails.

    to stringrequired

    Email address of the recipient.

    logtypes object[]required

    The parameters used to specify the logs that you want to send.

  • Array [
  • allColumns boolean

    True sends all log fields. False sends a subset of log fields.

    excludedColumns string[]

    The specific log fields you do not want to send. Does nothing if the same field is present in includedColumns.

    filter string

    The filter query used to send a subset of logs.

    includedColumns string[]

    The specific log fields you want to send. Does nothing if allColumns is True.

    logtype string

    The log type that you want to send.

  • ]


Returns profile id on successful request processing


