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Get all HTTPS profiles



Retrieve information about all existing HTTPS profiles, including their profile IDs.


Query Parameters

    status ProfileStatus[]

    Possible values: [pending, inactive, active]

    The status of the profiles to be returned.

    resultSize integer

    Default value: 100

    The maximum number of profiles to be returned.


Request successfully processed

  • Array [
  • destination objectrequired

    Profile name and HTTPS receiver information.

    clientAuth object
    primaryKey stringrequired

    Your Microsoft Sentinel workspace primary key.

    workspaceId stringrequired

    Your Microsoft Sentinel workspace ID.

    clientAuthType stringrequired

    Possible values: [Splunk, Sentinel, Chronicle, Basic, None]

    The type of HTTPS destination to receive your logs.

    displayName stringrequired

    Name of the profile.

    notification string

    An email address to receive updates about log transmission.

    payloadFormat stringrequired

    Possible values: [ARRAY_JSON, STACKED_JSON]

    The format of the log data. Select the correct format for your HTTPS receiver.

    profileToken string
    uri stringrequired

    The URI for the HTTPS destination. Must begin with https:/.

    logtypes object[]required
  • Array [
  • allColumns boolean

    True sends all log fields. False sends a subset of log fields.

    excludedColumns string[]

    The specific log fields you do not want to send. Does nothing if the same field is present in includedColumns.

    filter string

    The filter query used to send a subset of logs.

    includedColumns string[]

    The specific log fields you want to send. Does nothing if allColumns is True.

    logtype string

    The log type that you want to send.

  • ]
  • profileId stringrequired
    status ProfileStatus (string)required

    Possible values: [pending, inactive, active]

    Profile status

  • ]